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” I Wake in The Drak”

I will share with you a book that is Called ” I Wake in The Drak” Read it, and write about it please. My Paper Must have: An introduction, you have to start off you paper with an intersection or a thesis. Tell me what your paper will be about and what you hope to explain in the body do the paper. You can even open with the question that you will attempt to answer in the paper. An Analysis Here you have to explainn the book or a topic you are discussing. Depending on your thiese or opening question you will either prove your perpective or disprove an opposing one. Also, this is the place to cite books to reinfoce your thiese. You may use other soures for the paper but please clear them with me first. A conclusion Finally you must have a conclusion. Please do not abruply end your paper. And/or sum up the paper at the end reiterting your thiese and explaining what you learned from the process. The paper should 12 point, Times New Roman Front. it should be with the title.

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