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ICL Performance Management System Plan Paper & PPT




Written Task

You are required to use academic books, journals, and companies’ websites to support the points you make in your report.
This report requires the use of secondary data only. You will conduct secondary research about your given organisation. Ensure all research used is referenced properly using the APA referencing standard.
All answers must be in your own words, i.e. please do not use too many quotes, but describe/ analyse/ comment in your own words.
Your discussion for all the sections must be embedded in theory learnt in class.

Structure and Formatting

You are required to develop a Performance Management System around 2000 words. You are required to complete this thoroughly without using excessive words.
Your assessment should be word processed in black and white, with the main text in 12 point Times New Roman, left aligned, with 6 point paragraph spacing, 1.5 line spacing on A4 size paper, portrait format (left margin minimum 3cm, right margin minimum 2cm).
Please refer to the marking criteria provided for more detailed information concerning the tasks.

When and How to submit

A soft copy and a hard copy of the assessment must be uploaded on Canvas byWeek 15. The exact due date will be advised by your lecturer.
Please save your file as: IDNumber FULL NAME PaperNumberAssessmentNameAssessmentNumber
For example: 007 TOM CRUISE NZDB6210 Performance Management System Assessment 2


Tower Insurance is a leading insurance company in New Zealand. Sophie, an immigration from China, transferred from another function at Tower Insurance into an important HR role. It was not long before complaints were coming in, which set the stage for an unpleasant mid-year performance review.
“What is your future plan?” asked her boss Mike, trying to build some perspective on the situation rather than jumping into a series of criticisms. Sophie had no answers. “Tell me what you would like to achieve in this job?” Mike persisted. After avoiding a direct answer she eventually blurted out, “Why are you asking me this? I love this job.” Then she burst into tears.
Mike knew there was a problem but could not put his finger on why she was doing so poorly. Neither did he have the time to devote to a lot of coaching. He knew she was motivated and had a good track record in her previous job. Despite the complaints from her internal clients he wanted to give her a chance. His solution was to sidestep the issue by getting her to report to another manager Ross, with a great reputation for mentoring. Ross took her under his wing.
Sophie was smart and dedicated, but had no relevant experience and no idea how to do the job. It was a serious but fixable problem. Sophie was actually glad that the company reviews were frequent, not just once a year, there was a chance to detect and respond to the problem early on.
You are Sophie’s new manager Ross. You have been given the responsibility of mentoring Sophie and develop a Performance Management System (plan) for her for next year.
Develop a Performance Management System for Sophie as per the guidelines given below:

Steps in Performance
Management Plan
Detailed requirements LOs assessed Marks
Leadership Approach
•       Identify and justify what kind of leadership style you will adopt in Sophie’s performance management planning process. Your discussion must show knowledge of leadership frameworks and approaches.                 (4 marks)
•       Discuss and compare at least 2 management approaches in your discussion.    (4 marks)
LO1c 8
Management Approach 
    Identify and justify what kind of performance management approach you will take in Sophie’s performance management planning process.
LO1a 8
Coaching Discuss the coaching process for efficient goals completion you would follow in order to seek her LO1a 4


  cooperation and ensure her performance acceleration.
Tools of performance management •       Identify at least 2 performance management tools you will apply for Sophie’s performance management.  (2 marks)
•       Justify and evaluate the effectiveness of these tools in this specific scenario.
(6 marks)
Motivation Using at least one motivation model, evaluate how the selected performance management tools can enhance your (Ross’s) as well as Sophie’s motivation to perform better.
LO3b 3
Professional, ethical, and socially and culturally appropriate behaviour •   Analyse any two professional, ethical, cultural and social issues you will overcome during the process. (3 marks)
•   Discuss how would you promote and model Tower’s culture and values in order to support Sophie in achieving her personal goals and Tower’s goals. Your discussion should include the Treaty of Waitangi and Maori cultural values. (7)
LO3a 10
Compliance and Global context •   As Tower Insurance operates in a global environment, discuss one challenge or opportunity (in either political, legal or economic system) you will need to consider during the process of performance management planning for Sophie.        (1 mark)
•   Propose and explain one strategy and management technique for the challenge or opportunity discussed above.                                (2 marks)
•   Discuss one internal and one external compliance requirement and how these will be met during the process
of performance management
planning for Sophie.       (1 mark)
LO4 4
Achieving business goals Analyse how the proposed performance management system for Sophie aligns with the goals of Tower and can be beneficial for the company. LO1 b 5
References •   You must also use correct referencing style throughout the report.
•   At least 5 academic journals and at least 2 books must be consulted and referenced
Formatting •   Word processed in black and white, with the main text in 12-point Times New Roman
•   Left aligned, with 6-point paragraph spacing, 1.5 line spacing on A4 size paper
•   Portrait format (left margin minimum
3cm, right margin minimum 2cm)
Presentation You must prepare a 10 minutes presentation.  See more details in the
‘Presentation’ Section of this assessment.
LO2 10
Total Marks                                                                                                   60


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