IFSM 300: Information Systems in Organizations Week 3, Topic 2 Part Two:
IFSM 300: Information Systems in Organizations Week 3, Topic 2 Part Two:
Information Technology Infrastructure
“Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management”
As in Week 3, Topic 1, Discussion, when you begin your studies, specifically your reading, the following Learning Point Objectives in the foreground of your thoughts.
Also, I have included various White Papers to various topics/subjects if you are interested in reading more about the articulated subject matter; these papers are not required reading but are provided for your edification and, too, your enjoyment.
1. What are the problems of managing data resources in a traditional file environment and how are they solved by a database management system?
2. What are the major capabilities of database management systems (DBMS) and why is a relational DBMS so powerful?
3. What are some important principles of database design?
4. What are the principle tools and technologies for accessing information from databases to improve business performance and decision making?
5. Why are information policy, data administration, and data quality assurance essential for managing the firms’s data resources?
Managing Intervals Efficiently in Object-Relational Databases
Hans-Peter Kriegel
University of Munich
Institute for Computer Science
Marco Pötke
University of Munich
Institute for Computer Science
Thomas Seidl
University of Munich
Institute for Computer Science
To read the html article click below or download the attached article in the Course Content Topic.
Database Management Systems (DBMS)
Another excellent online source of Database Description to read more….
“Creators of STATISTICA Data Analysis Software and ServicesText Mining
- Introductory Overview
- Typical Applications for Text Mining
- Approaches to Text Mining
- Issues and Considerations for “Numericizing” Text
- Transforming Word Frequencies
- Latent Semantic Indexing via Singular Value Decomposition
- Incorporating Text Mining Results in Data Mining Projects
“Text Mining Introductory Overview
The purpose of Text Mining is to process unstructured (textual) information, extract meaningful numeric indices from the text, and, thus, make the information contained in the text accessible to the various data mining (statistical and machine learning) algorithms. Information can be extracted to derive summaries for the words contained in the documents or to compute summaries for the documents based on the words contained in them. Hence, you can analyze words, clusters of words used in documents, etc., or you could analyze documents and determine similarities between them or how they are related to other variables of interest in the data mining project. In the most general terms, text mining will “turn text into numbers” (meaningful indices), which can then be incorporated in other analyses such as predictive data mining projects, the application of unsupervised learning methods (clustering), etc. These methods are described and discussed in great detail in the comprehensive overview work by Manning and Schütze (2002), and for an in-depth treatment of these and related topics as well as the history of this approach to text mining, we highly recommend that source.” To read more.…
In case you are interesting in the most recent activity in Web Mining there is a conference being held in Lyon, France in April 2012.To read more…
As you reading these studies keep the following questions in the foreground of your thoughts:
What ethical, social, and political issues are raised by informations systems.
Below I have provided a little bit more information regarding the political congressional action taken to provide us with a certain amount of security as we spend time utilizing the Web on the Internet.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999
European Commission’s Directive on Data Protection as of February 3, 2012:
Center for Democracy & Technology
The Blaze reports a decline in the percentage of SPAM in e-mail traffic from July 2010 to July 2011. What is the current percentage of SPAM on the Internet – compare the two and question the validity of the statistics. How were the statistics generated?
What specific principles for conduct can be used to guide ethical decisions?
Why do contemporary information systems technology and the Internet pose challenges to the protection of individual privacy and intellectual property?
How have information systems affect everyday life?
Attached, as a external file to this Course Content Topic you will find the following file:
(If you are unfamiliar with extension names (.pdf) means this file is written in Portable Document Format. You will need Acrobat Reader or a similar based program to open the file. If you are using Windows what Application/Utility will appear if you do not have Acrobat Reader on your System – Be prepared to answer this question in class.)
How have information systems affect your and your families’ everyday Life? Hmmm, something to think about right? Right!
Please respond to all of the following questions in the in the your Discussion Thread below.:
Search the Web for information on Text Mining and Business. What is the potential impact Text Mining will have are already does on the Business Functions? What Can Businesses Learn From Text Mining? And respond to the following questions:
1. What challenges does the increase in unstructured data present for businesses?
2. How does text-mining improve decision-making?
3. What kinds of companies are most likely to benefit from text mining software? Explain your answer.
4. Visit a Web site such as QVC.com or TripAdvisor.com detailing products or services that have customer reviews. Pick a product, hotel, or other service with at least 15 customers reviews and read those reviews, both positive and negative. How could Web content mining help the offering company improve or better market this product or service? What pieces of information should be highlighted?
Utilizing the Web, research the history of the Credit Bureau. What specific problems and errors have been made in the Bureau’s Operational Model that plagues its customers and effectively Businesses in general? Respond to the following questions in your Discussion Thread.
1. Assess the business impact of credit bureaus’ data quality problems for the credit bureaus, for lenders, for individuals.
2. Are any ethical issues raised by credit bureaus’ date quality problems? Explain your answer.
3. Analyze the management, organization, and technology facts responsible for credit bureaus’ data quality problems.
4. What can be done to solve these problems?