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Im working wit a C compiler,, my code is not working can someone

Im working wit a C compiler,, my code is not working can someone help me to fix it?

//C code

//This program will calculate the perimeter of a square

//with a positive Integer input by a user

//Developer Hector Pantoja

// Date: August 5,2017

#include <stdio.h>

float Square_Side(floatvalue);

int main(void)


/* variable definition: */

float floatValue,menuSelec,Result;

floatValue = 1

//While a positive number

while (floatValue >0)


printf(“Enter a positive Integer\n”);

scanf(“%f”, &floatValue);

if (floatValue > 0)


printf(“Enter 1 to calculate the perimeterof the square\n”);

scanf(“%f”, %menuSelect);

if (menuSelect=1)


//Call the Square_side Function

Results = Square_Side(floatValue);

printf(“Perimeter of a square with a side of %f is %f\n”);



return 0;



/*function returning the Perimeter of a square */

float Square_side(float value)


return (value*4)


Homework 4 – Create your own FunctionCreate your own function in C that accepts one input parameter and returns a float number. Youdecide the theme.You should provide both your C code and an example call to the C code function. Be sure toprovide an overview of what your function is doing.Provide a screen capture showing the results of testing your code in an online compiler.Be sure to test your code with several test cases and show your test case table.Submit your word or PDF file to your assignments folder no later than the due date.Grading guidelinesSubmissionPointsUnique C code for simple function that accepts one input parameter andreturns a float number was provided and compiles without issue.2C code provided that correctly calls your simple function.1Screen captures of test cases represent a wide variety of possible input values(e.g. large numbers, small numbers (0), negative, or unexpected non-numberentries).2Total5
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