Im working wit a C compiler,, my code is not working can someone
Im working wit a C compiler,, my code is not working can someone help me to fix it?
//C code
//This program will calculate the perimeter of a square
//with a positive Integer input by a user
//Developer Hector Pantoja
// Date: August 5,2017
#include <stdio.h>
float Square_Side(floatvalue);
int main(void)
/* variable definition: */
float floatValue,menuSelec,Result;
floatValue = 1
//While a positive number
while (floatValue >0)
printf(“Enter a positive Integer\n”);
scanf(“%f”, &floatValue);
if (floatValue > 0)
printf(“Enter 1 to calculate the perimeterof the square\n”);
scanf(“%f”, %menuSelect);
if (menuSelect=1)
//Call the Square_side Function
Results = Square_Side(floatValue);
printf(“Perimeter of a square with a side of %f is %f\n”);
return 0;
/*function returning the Perimeter of a square */
float Square_side(float value)
return (value*4)