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include int main() { /* variables definition */ float price, salestax, totalprice;

#include <stdio.h> int main() { /* variables definition */

float price, salestax, totalprice;

/* Prompt user to input price in dollars */

printf(“Enter the price in dollars: \n”);

// Input the price in dollars

scanf(“%f”, &price);

/* Prompt user to input state salestax */

printf(“Enter the state salestax: \n”);

// Input the salestax

scanf(“%f”, &salestax);

// Calculate the total price

totalprice = price + (price* SalesTax);

printf(“Price with tax is: %f\n”, totalprice);

return 0;


That is my code that I am working on. I cant figure out how to make it execute once I provide the inputs. I’m not entirely sure if everything is correct or not. Pleas help stressed out.

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