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Individual Feedback: Do not include behavior in any IPO column

Individual Feedback: Do not include behavior in any IPO column.

Step 1: Name OR number; request is not a process; taken is a human behavior, not a system output.

Step 2: What customer information? List the specific fields.

Step 5 — Process: store appointment

Step 6: Paper receipt is not an input field. Make entry is not a system process. Confirm entry, print bill / receipt paid.

Step 7: move the output listed to the input column; store the data; output? What if the customer declines to answer the questions? What if the customer agrees to make the next appointment?

No further steps are required.

Show specific fields in the Input column.

CASE STUDY | KELLY’S SALON STAGE 21CASE STUDY | Kelly’s Salon Stage 2:Business Process Analysis and Functional RequirementsUniversity of Maryland University CollegeIFSM 300 | Information Systems in Organizations
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CASE STUDY | KELLY’S SALON STAGE 22I.IntroductionGeneric Strategy for Competitive Advantage:Customer OrientationBusiness Process to Be Improved:Collection of Customer DataII.Table of FunctionsTable of Functional (Business) RequirementsSteps in the Appointment ProcessProcess StepStep from CustomerAppointmentProcess Model(insert label/titlefrom numberedstep)InputInformation/dataitem(s) enteredinto the systemas part of thisstepProcessProcessing or actionthesystem must perform forthis stepOutputInformation/dataitem(s)/record created, ordisplayed, or printed outfor the user in this step1Employee greetscustomer and askscustomer last nameor phone numberCustomer’s Name& Phone #Request Customer name &Phone #Customer Name & PhoneNumber Taken from theCustomer2Employee asks forand enters customerinformationCustomerInformationAsk Customer for TheirInformationCustomer Information Saved3Employee tellscustomer cost andtime needed forserviceService forCustomerDetermine the Cost &Duration/Time of ServiceThe Cost & Time for theService4Employee checksstylist availability andtimes and advisescustomerStylist and TimeCheck Stylist Availability &TimesAvailable Stylist & Times5Employee SchedulesAppointmentAppointmentMake &/Or ConfirmAppointmentAppointment is Confirmed6Cashier enters infofrom paper receipt tosystem and advisescustomer of totalchargesPaper ReceiptMake Entry on PaperReceiptEntered Paper Receipt7Employee askscustomer feedbackquestions and entersresponses into thesystemCustomerFeedbackInformationObtain Customer FeedbackCustomer Feedback Entered
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