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individualize and prioritized the following nursing intervention

individualize and prioritized the following nursing intervention


Assess degree of sensory perception.

Identify the signs and symptoms.

Encourage activities participation.

Encourage patient to written communication

Reduce environmental stimuli during the activities


Establish rapports

Monitor vital signs

Check capillary refill

Encourage adequate rest

Elevate head of the bed


Ensure the environment is quiet.

Provide ritualistic procedures of clean linens, warm covers.

Assess patient for complaints of pain

Help patient do exercise.

Monitor intake and output.


Assess for physical activity level and mobility of the patient.

Assess the patient’s nutritional status.

Assess the need for ambulation.

Encourage verbalization of feelings regarding limitations.

Provide emotional support and positive attitude regarding abilities.


Assist with establishing cues and reminders for patient’s assistance

Provide time for reminiscing if patient so desires

Maintain consistent scheduling with allowances for patient’s specific need

Avoid anger and expectation of patient to remember or follow instruction.

Do not expect more than the patient is capable of doing

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