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INSTRUCTION—Respond to the statements in each topic areas.

INSTRUCTION—Respond to the statements in each topic areas. There
are six (6) areas on this document. The points (15,17,17,17,17,17) for each topic area is inside the brackets { } by the area.

1. GLACIERS: Discuss the formation and movement of a glacier (summarize the mechanics of glacier movement). Provide four (4) types of evidence of Pleistocene glaciation in USA? What landform features or sediments suggest the presence of glaciers in past? Name three (3) construction problems that can be expected in glaciated terrain (previously glaciated)? What is permafrost and what are a few construction problems associated with its’ presence? {15}
2. SEA LEVEL: What is relative sea level (RSL)? What is eustatic sea level? How is sea level and sea level change measured? What are two (2) issues associated with usage of tide gauges to ascertain changes in sea level over time? What are three (3) potential problems associated with rising sea level (transgression) along a coast? What is transgressive environment and provide example? What is a regressive environment and provide example? Is the Maryland coast transgressive or regressive? {17}
3. MINERAL RESOURCES: Name 2 energy (mineral) resources and 6 non-energy mineral (3 metallic & 3 non-metallic) resources. What is the difference between a RESERVE and a RESOURCE (McKelvey Diagram)? What factors could cause the category classification of a specific mineral deposit to change? What is and where is the location of the Marcelleous Shale? Briefly, describe fracking? What is the energy resource associated with this shale? {17}
4. HYDROLOGY: What is an aquifer? Why aren’t all saturated rocks and soils considered to be aquifers? Does ground water move slow or fast –compared to average stream water flow? What is issue with contaminants in ground water? What factors control the amount of groundwater recharge? How do groundwater flow systems in karst aquifers differ from those in other aquifers? Explain the term watershed. For example, you could use the Chesapeake Bay Watershed? If you lived

near the seashore and started to notice that your well water had a slightly salty taste, how would you explain the change in water quality? If it were discovered that radioactive waste had seeped into the groundwater from a processing plant, what kind of information would you need to predict how long it would take for the radioactivity to appear in well water 10 miles from the plant? {17}
5 COASTS: Describe a typical (generalized) beach profile and explain how it changes during a year. Why do waves break? What is littoral drift (longshore sediment transport? What are the engineering implications of longshore currents? What is difference between a ‘groin” and a jetty? Describe the general differences (shape & size) between the beaches of the west coast and the east coast of USA. How does wave refraction relate to longshore current? Summarize the types of processes that affect shorelines. Summarize or itemize the principle components of a barrier island system for example Assateague Island, MD. or the Outer Banks of North Carolina. {17}
6 WEATHERING; Slopes, Faults, Earthquakes:
How does abundant rainfall affect weathering? Which weathers faster, a granite or limestone? Explain? How does physical weathering affect chemical weathering? How does the absorption of water weaken unconsolidated slope materials? How does the steepness of a slope affect mass wasting? Briefly differentiate (be sure to relate to their relative movements) between a normal fault, a reverse fault and strike-slip fault. {17}

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