International HRM BHL6018
Assessment Three: Information, Assessment and Marking Criteria
Weighting of coursework: 50% of overall mark for the module
Case Study Report (3,000 words)
With regard to the case study organisation ‘Reardon’s Hotels’, complete the
a) Identify the main reasons why Reardon’s Hotels choose to internationalise and
discuss which type of MNC would best suit the organisation.
b) Recruitment and Selection
i. Explain the main reasons for the internal recruitment of Hotel Manager for the
new subsidiary in southern Spain
ii. Create a person specification, and suggest proper selection method(s) for the
position of Hotel Manager. Justify your choice of selection method(s).
c) Training and Development
i. Devise a training and development strategy for the new position of Hotel
Manager for the new subsidiary in southern Spain and for the staff in the new
ii. Provide a rationale for each component of the strategy.
d) Total Reward
i. Design a total reward strategy for the new position of Hotel Manager
specifically, and the staff for the new subsidiary in southern Spain.
ii. Justify your choice of components included in, and excluded from, the total
rewards package.
e) Outline the potential difficulties Reardon’s Hotels may encounter when opening
the new hotel in southern Spain, and suggest solutions to these difficulties.
Submission Details:
To be submitted through Turnitin on Moodle by no later than 11.59pm on 24 th
May 2016
Late submission will result in grade penalties.
Assessment results and individual written feedback will be available in 20
working days after submission.
Assessment Learning Outcomes (mapped to module descriptor):
Dr Xiaoni Ren BHL6018
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Consider the role of the MNC as central to the analysis of international HRM
Compare and contrast national employment systems in order to evaluate the
HRM models, policies and procedures in different countries and cultural,
institutional and legal constraints
Critically assess global integration and diffusion of HRM activities in MNCs
Compare and contrast the different HR strategies and practices of MNCs
including international management recruitment and selection, training and
reward strategies
Key Skills: The key skills addressed through this assessment are communication,
numeracy, technology, learning and study, problem solving.
IMPORTANT: Students should refer to the assessment criteria and marking
criteria provided below in relation to this assessment.
Assessment Criteria/Guidance Notes
Students will be marked according to the following assessment criteria:
The student should demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding of how the
competing tensions faced by MNC’s between the local, the global and the organization
impact upon HR policies and practices.
The student should devise an appropriate recruitment and selection strategy, and
training and development strategy for the specific international management assignment
as outlined in the case study.
The student should demonstrate the ability to identify the key components of
an effective total reward strategy given the specific organizational context
outlined in the case study.
The student should demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge of key facts and
theories to the practical organizational context outlined in the case study.
The student should demonstrate the ability to carry out relevant research to
evidence their report. This should include the correct use of Harvard
referencing throughout the report.
The report should be appropriately structured and presented.
Marking Criteria
IMPORTANT: Students must satisfy themselves as to the assessment criteria
and academic standards required to achieve certain grades as outlined above. It
is the student’s responsibility to seek clarification on any of these matters prior
to submitting their coursework.
Students will be awarded their grade based upon the academic standards
outlined below:
Grade A 80+
As 70+ criteria but in addition answer demonstrates an excellent
understanding of the question and the complexity of the issues involved
relating to parts 1 and 2.
Evidence of creativity and wide reading beyond core subject matter.
Dr Xiaoni Ren BHL6018
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Grade A 70-79
Comprehensive and accurate account of the issues relating to parts 1 and 2.
Very good analysis and evaluation of the relationship between local, global
and organizational effects, MNC strategy and HR policies and practices.
Very good application of factual knowledge and/or application of
theories/models to the practical situation of the case study organization.
Clear evidence of wide reading and well-referenced.
No significant omissions or errors.
Very well written and structured.
Grade B 60-69
Clear understanding of the question and includes the most pertinent issues
relating to parts 1 and 2.
Good analysis and evaluation of relationship between local, global and
organizational effects, MNC strategy and HR policies and practices.
Good application of factual knowledge and/or application of theories/models
to the practical situation of the case study organization.
Evidence of extra reading beyond lecture material.
Few significant errors or omissions
Well written and structured.
Grade C 50-59
Answer demonstrates understanding of the basic issues with regard to
parts 1 and 2.
Reasonable attempt at analysis and evaluation of the relationship between
local, global and organizational effects, MNC strategy and HR policies and
Basic application of factual knowledge and/or application of theories/models
to the practical situation of the case study organization.
Report aimed primarily at the level of available lecture and seminar material.
Some significant errors or omissions.
Material appropriate and logically structured.
Grade D/E 35-49
To obtain a D grade (i.e. a ‘pass’ mark 40-49):
(i) The answer will demonstrate an understanding of the basic issues and some
evidence that appropriate material has been selected.*see note below
(ii) The answer may follow a logical structure with the overall framework
sensible.*see note below
However, an answer afforded a D/E grade will also demonstrate to varying
No evidence of extra reading
No evidence of evaluation or analysis of the issues
Significant errors or omissions
Poor planning
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