International Political Economy Unit Code: 5T5Z0016
Unit Title: International Political Economy
Unit Code:
Core: Yes
Level: 5
Assignment Title: Essay 2: Issues in International Political Economy
Unit Leader: Dr Stephen Buzdugan & Dr David Freund
Contact Details:
Submission Date: See date on Moodle
Feedback Return Date: See Date on Moodle
Submission Instructions: Submit via Moodle/TurnitIn only (no hard copy necessary)
Feedback Return Information: Feedback returned through GradeMark.
Choose one from the following three questions and write an argumentative essay of 3000 words:
1. Has India been justified in opposing the Doha Round of trade negotiations within the WTO? Explain with regard to the theory of comparative advantage.
2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a single currency with regard to the case of the Euro and the Eurozone countries. Has the Euro and its governance brought about economic stability and growth to all of the Eurozone countries equally?
3. Evaluate whether countries in Latin America have benefited from foreign direct investment, in terms of development. Support the argument with evidence from one or more Latin American countries in the relevant literature.
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed.
4. # Apply appropriate and relevant theoretical frameworks to contemporary issues.
5. # Conduct and present the findings of research into the international political economy.
Assignment Details and Instructions.
The aim of this assignment is to examine issues in international political economy. Thus, the focus of the essay should be on theories relevant to the specific assignment question (such as comparative advantage, exchange rate regimes or FDI and development). Moreover, empirical evidence has to be included to explain and justify arguments. One key to analysing and explaining concepts in sufficient depth is for the essay to draw on the relevant literature from the reading list for the unit (on Moodle) and relevant empirical evidence (for example as highlighted in tutorials).
Early Career/ World Class Professional Skills (PLOs) being assessed or developed/assessed.
1. #PL01 (PI 1.1), Applied critical thinking
2. #PL02 (PI 2.1), Communication
3. #PL04 (PI 4.2), Professional and Commercial Awareness
4. #PL05 (PI 5.1), Subject specific knowledge and skills.
# Include the Early Career/ World Professional Skill(s) to be developed or assessed.
Reading list on Moodle; library.
Marking Criteria *
See below
Group Work Guidelines (If applicable)
Unit Specification
Brief Summary :
This unit explores and critically appraises the relationship between states and markets, and assesses the impact of institutions of global governance on the dynamics of the global economy.
On successful completion of this Unit, the student will be able to…
Explain the relationship between states and markets as the fundamental units of analysis in a political economy; Assess the impact of institutions of global governance (such as the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO and the UN) on the dynamics of the global economy; Apply appropriate and relevant theoretical frameworks to contemporary issues. Conduct and present the findings of research into the international political economy.
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