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Leadership at Amazon, communications homework help

Question Description is the largest Internet-based retailer in the United States. One of the most important factors in Amazon’s success has been its outstanding leadership.
For this assignment, research the leadership culture of Amazon to gain insights into how it shapes the customer service environment that is created within the company. After completing your research, write a 1-2 page paper that does the following:

  • Identify Amazon’s leadership principles.
  • Explain how the president of Amazon has provided leadership in customer service at Amazon. Provide an example.
  • Provide your analysis of why the leadership philosophy at Amazon is so successful and how it influences the level of customer service provided by their site.

Your submitted assignment should be proofread for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Be sure to follow APA formatting, and include both in-text citations and a references page. Provide at least one reference and in-text citation (other than the website) for your paper.
For APA guidelines, go to the Resources tab within the course.

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