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List of Free Small Engine Repair Courses

Free Online Course Information
Students using the following resources won’t be able to earn college credit. These free online courses also don’t provide students with instructor aid. In order complete their training, students need to follow these resources on their own time.

Small engine repair work may be hazardous, so repairers are advised to proceed with caution and use the appliance’s user manual.

Free Online Small Engine Repair Course List
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Design and Manufacturing I may be beneficial to prospective small engine repair technicians who would like to understand how to create, build and analyze mechanical designs. While those who take this free course may not want to invest in the materials to design the assigned robot, they can certainly benefit from the lectures and recitations that cover the fabrication model of a simple car. Students can also access a free textbook about the fundamentals of design.
Briggs & Stratton
Engine Problems FAQ allows those seeking to learn about engine repair to browse their topics of interest by category (such as parts, troubleshooting or maintenance) or by keyword. They can also submit additional questions they may have. Basic and advanced small engine repair topics are covered. Basic areas include compression, carburetor and fuel line problems; advanced topics feature servicing valves, removing carbon deposits and replacing the ignition.
How Stuff Works
How to Repair Small Engines has training through step-by-step instructions, pictures and diagrams. This resource covers topics in small engine basics and the benefits of engine maintenance. Students can also learn to repair fuel, ignition, lubrication, cooling, control and exhaust systems.
Family Handyman
How to Repair Small Engines: Cleaning the Carburetor offers a step-by-step tutorial that helps students diagnose problems, remove the carburetor and rebuild the carburetor. Students can also find the information needed to identify the parts they may need to replace during repair. This resource also provides students with a list of the tools that they may need when cleaning the carburetor.
M and D Mower and Appliance
Small Engine Repair: Free Help provides students with diagrams and text to help troubleshoot various engine problems. With each scenario, students are provided with possible solutions. Students may learn what to do when their engine doesn’t start, runs poorly, leaks, backfires and burns oil. Topics offered during this tutorial also cover battery charging and electric starter issues.
Small Engine Repair Help offers a series of videos showing viewers how to disassemble various small engines. Learners can search by model number to locate the lessons that match a specific engine issue they’re trying to solve. Links lead to pages on other topics of interest, such as maintenance tips and advice for common problems like engine leaks and battery malfunction.
Free Online Small Engine Repair Theory Course List
How and Why Machines Work offers a foundational understanding on all types of machines, which can prove to be beneficial to students interested in repairing engines. Students using this course can learn about manufacturing, mechanical engineering and machines that store or transfer energy. Included with the course materials are lectures, labs and assignments. This course also provides study materials and instructions for working with machines through computer-aided design (CAD) programs. Students may need to have access to the software covered in this course.
Mechanics and Materials I provides lecture notes and assignments regarding mechanical analysis. Students won’t have access to the required readings. Lecture notes cover topics in mechanical displacement, strain and equilibrium. Potential small engine repair technicians can use these lectures to become more acquainted with how mechanical systems function. Links to diagrams and pictures are available to supplement the course.
Mechanics and Materials II emphasizes the general ideas that can be found in the Mechanics and Materials I course. During this course, students learn how to test mechanical materials and handle design limitations. Lecture notes and some readings are available for download. This course’s lecture notes cover topics in buckling and vibration, strain, displacement and high-temperature deformation. Labs, assignments and exams are included. Students may need to have access to the computer software that was originally required by this course.

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