LNG as transport fuel
Assignment/Course Work Instructions to students:
- Your report should be organised and written professionally and comply with university requirements.
- Your report must have the following sections/headings:
o Summary (including objectives)
o Introduction
o ————— A number of other sections/headings of your choice that would depend on how you want to describe your work. o …………..
o Conclusions
o List of references
o Appendices, if applicable
- You are expected to do your own research and be innovative in your approach.
- The submission format must comply with the City University’s requirements:
o Relevant coversheet must be completed, signed and stapled to the front of your
o Maximum word count should not exceed 2500 words.
- All figures and tables should have appropriate number, referenced from within the report, and be of good quality and legible.
- Make appropriate assumptions on data or other items you may consider you have not been able to find.
- Your conclusions must be based on evidence and facts and data that have been provided in your report.
Assignment Topic
LNG as transport fuel
What is LNG and how it is produced? What are the main advantages and disadvantages of the LNG? How LNG price compares with other transport fuels? How the well-to-wheel GHG emissions for LNG compares to other types of fuels? Select the case for shipping. For this mode of transport, discuss the current status of use of LNG as fuel? What are the future prospects for wider use of LNG? What are the main drivers that encourage use of LNG? What are the main barriers that impede the use of LNG? Discuss anything else that you may wish.
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