M001 Business Research Methods Suggested Topics
Question Description
- Independently develop a research problem guided by gaps in existing knowledge and an organisational issue, and determine appropriate research strategies
- Demonstrate critical rigour in analysis of literature and data by making effective use of multiple and critical sources of data/information/knowledge
- Derive new insights based on critical review of the literature and findings of management and organisational practice
- Operate at the interface between theory and practice to derive valid and reliable conclusions
- Demonstrate skills depending on research methods chosen but these can include: interviewing, questionnaire design and administration, focus group management (including diary management), project management, information search, text analysis, content analysis, statistical techniques
- Communicate the research outcomes in a manner that demonstrates clarity of organisational thinking, logical argument and practical recommendations for further research and for practice
This assessment is made up of the dissertation and a presentation.
Detail of task:
You are required to write a 12,000 words scholarly piece of work that demonstrates your skills as an independent learner and provides clear evidence of a very good grasp of a specific subject area and an ability to synthesise primary and/or secondary data to arrive at a conclusion and a set of recommendations.
The structure should include:
- Non-anonymous cover sheet
- Acknowledgement
- Abstract
- Table of content
- List of tables (if relevant)
- List of abbreviations (if relevant)
- Introduction
- Literature review
- Methodology
- 10. Findings
11. Discussion
12. Conclusion and recommendations
13. Reference list in alphabetical order
14. Appendices (questionnaire and/or interview guide, sample of interview transcripts, ethics certificate, meeting diary etc)
You are required to deliver a 20 minutes presentation of your dissertation. Your supervisor will have 10 minutes to ask you questions.
The objectives of your presentation are to demonstrate:
- Your experience as an independent learner and the research and work you have carried out to produce your Dissertation.
- Your research aim and objectives, a summary of your literature, your analysis, findings and conclusions of the work you have carried out and how you have evidenced this in your Dissertation.
- Your ability to answer questions from your supervisor on the content, facts or figures used in your Dissertation.
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