Management 120A
The written analysis will be 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced and typed (12 point, letter size, with one-inch margin). You may include appropriate graphics, charts, etc. to enhance the content visually. The final product will be approximately 6-8 pages in length including cover page, graphics and reference list.
Case analysis content
Case analyses must be organized according to the ROPES framework conceptualized by Kelly (2001). Each step, Research-Objectives-Programming-Evaluation-Stewardship, will form a major section of the analysis. The following is the required framework. Each section must be started with the required head. Most – but not all – of the questions will be answered in the analysis:
- Who is the organization or client (location, type of activity pursued)?
- Who is the public relations firm hired to work with the organization?
- What is the problem that must be solved or opportunity to pursue?
- Was it a coalition of action? (Any other organizations partnered with the organization you studied?)
- Who are the target publics?
- Was research used to gain insight on (1) the organization, (2) the problem or opportunity, and (3) the publics?
- Were both secondary and primary research conducted? Give examples.
- Were methods used for primary research informal, qualitative, or quantitative? Give examples.
- What were the major findings of the research?
- Were the research methodologies used appropriate and adequate? What more should have been done?
- What were the objectives; were they output or impact objectives?
- What effects were sought by the impact objectives?
- Did the objectives contain all five elements necessary for objectives to be meaningful?
- Were the objectives consistent with the research findings?
- Were there objectives relative to each target public identified by the research?
- What was the budget for programming; what was the timeframe?
- What were the main features of the programming strategy (tactics/techniques used, messages, channels of communication, or other relevant factors)?
- Were the tactics/techniques (1) interpersonal communication, (2) controlled media communication, or (3) mass media (uncontrolled) communication? Give examples.
- To what extent were the programming activities related to the set objectives?
- What evaluation research was conducted?
- Did the evaluation only report measurement of output objectives, or did it also verify impact objectives?
- Was the evaluation appropriate and adequate? What more should have been done?
- Was it possible to be sure that the results reported were attributable to the public relations effort, rather than to other factors existing at the same time as the problem-solving effort?
- To what extent was stewardship considered?
- What should have been done to ensure that supportive publics would remain “friends” of the organization/client?
- How long the campaign has been sustained? What causes its termination?
- What one or two suggested tactics would you recommend for stewardship; for what publics?
- Brief summary of the analysis’ major points.
- Your final thoughts.
Paraphrase and use quotes sparingly. Quotation marks and attribution must be included when “using” Smith (2002) words (three or more consecutive). The number of the page from which the quote was taken must follow all quotes. For example: Hendrix and Hayes (2010) described the campaign as “one of the most successful” ever conducted (p. 73).
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