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Management Innovation

Management Innovation

Question Description

Management Innovation
As innovation and technology continue to accelerate the already hectic pace of business, managers must consider if they are also developing their management styles to reflect the new reality. For organizations to remain competitive they must constantly evolve and managers play a key role in directing that evolution.
To prepare for the Discussion, review the Hamel article in this week’s Resources. In this article, Hamel discusses the importance of building an agenda for management innovation. Locate a research article that focuses on the future of management and is aligned with one of the suggestions in the Hamel paper. The article you select should involve your current or desired field of management.
Now answer and addresses the following:

  • Provide a brief summary (with the reference) of the article you selected and then demonstrate how this article adds to or refutes the specific “moon shot” you selected from the Hamel article.
  • Based on your evaluation of your selected article and the Hamel article assess what challenges could accompany these changes?
  • How do you envision the field of management changing in the future? Why do you expect such changes and what will drive them?

Note: All work in APA format with proper citing!
Hamel, G. (2009). Moon shots for management. Harvard Business Review, 87(2), 91–98.
Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Business Source Complete database.
Johnson-Cramer, M., Parise, S., & Cross, R. (2007). Managing change through networks and values. California Management Review, 49(3), 85–109.
Tengblad, S. (2006). Is there a ‘new managerial work’? A comparison with Henry Mintzberg’s classic study 30 years later. Journal of Management Studies, 43(7), 1437–1461.
Fleming, J., Coffman, C., & Harter, J. (2005). Manage your human SIgMA. HarvardBusinessReview, 83(7/8), 106–114. Retrieved from
Likierman, A. (2009). The five traps of performance measurement. Harvard Business Review, 87(10), 96–101.

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