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Mental Health Stigma (3,000 words)

Mental Health Stigma (3,000 words)
Please do not use blog/thesis. I want writing from Journal & Research Articles only and with recent References

  1. What is Stigma in relations to mental health (with at least 4 references)


  1. (a) Define and explain Public Stigma (with at least 4 references)

(b) Identify and explain each factor (minimum 10) associated with Public Stigma as a barrier to help-seeking for mental health services (with at least 10 references)
(c) What are influence of the factors identify in 2(b) as a barrier when seeking mental health services amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (with at least 10 references)

  1. (a) Define and explain Self – Stigma (with at least 4 references)

(b) Identify and explain each factor (minimum 10) associated with Self- stigma as a barrier to help-seeking for mental health services (with at least 10 references)
(c) What are influence of the factors identify in 2(b) as a barrier when seeking mental health services amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (with at least 10 references)

  1. (a) Which of the Stigma type (Public or Self Stigma) act as a barrier over others to seeking mental health services amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community members. (with at least 10 references)

(b) Why is it so (with at least 10 references)

  1. Conclusion with regards Which of the Stigma type (Public or Self Stigma) act as a barrier over others to seeking mental health services amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) (with at least 10 references)


  1. Recommendation for intervention to reduce the Stigma type (Public or Self Stigma) which act as a barrier over others to seeking mental health services amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) (with at least 10 references)
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