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Mental HealthActions for ‘Mental Health’SubscribeHide DescriptionWeek 6 General Weekly

Mental HealthActions for ‘Mental Health’SubscribeHide DescriptionWeek 6 General Weekly Question(s):paraphrase
Reviewing articles is a basic skill that practicing anthropologists must do. Please (use your own words) and properly cite sources in providing brief yet thorough synopses (reviews) for each of the readings for this week. As part of your discussion, please discussin detail 1 or 2 common themes that connect the readings for this week.

Week 6 Open-ended Question(s):

1. How does culture impact definitions of mental illness?

2. Does culture affect the experience of mental illness? If so, in what ways?

In your discussions, please be sure to cite specific examples and relevant passages from the readings to support your answers.

*Note* Readings are found in weekly modules in the LEO classroom under Content>Week Six>Required Readings

*Note* As part of your participation grade, you are required to respond to at least two (2) other student postings. Please see the syllabus for further guidance on what is expected vis-à-vis Discussions and Class Participation.


10 point discussion rubric

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