MGT 451: strategic management – strategic formulation
- Assignment
You have been assigned a topic on strategic management. The approach to take in writing about your topic may vary. It is up to you to design what or how you want to present your thoughts in this paper.
NOTE: A meeting with the instructor to discuss your topic and your approach is required.
- Approach Methodology
Section 1. Background and Topic Introduction – Describe the background, purpose and approach to this paper. Establish any question(s) you intend to answer or address in the paper.
Section 2. Literature Search – Identify what you found as you researched journals and articles on the topic of the paper. Identify the authors and a short summary of the readings.
Section 3. Findings – Framework of the Paper – Create text that “unfolds” your topic highlighting key pieces of information that you discovered in the literature search. Identify how you will use this information to make the paper flow from one area of the paper to the next. Have a clear opening paragraph(s) followed by series of topical paragraphs that link the ideas and the points you need to make in the paper. Then have a summation paragraph that ties it all together.
Section 4. Results – Critical Thinking & Assessment – Analyze and evaluate the information/positions /issues you derived while explaining the key facts and/or assumptions. You must support or negate claims with evidence, facts, or proofs that accurately analyzes the appropriate evidence. Citations are required and must be nested throughout the paper. Finally, synthesize the evidence and articulate a logical and compelling position.
Section 5. Conclusion OR Summary – CONCLUSION – Frame this section based on what you “concluded” from all of the information discussed in the previous sections of the paper. Be direct and take a firm stance – one-way or the other. OR OR OR If you choose to write a summary then: For a SUMMARY – take note of listing the key facts you described in each section.
III. Format
- Prepare a well-written paper of 4000-4500 words (SHOW WORD COUNT BUT DO NOT INCLUDE REFERENCES IN COUNT)
- At least ten (10) references/sources are required in your bibliography.
- The paper is to be DOUBLE-spaced using a 10-12 point block font (Helvetica, Times Roman, etc.). Use 8.5 x 11 paper size.
- Place ONLY your name and the paper title in the HEADER and page numbers and date in footer.
- Margins are to be one inch on all sides.
- Submit ONE HARD COPY of your DRAFT and FINAL versions of your paper along with a 5 Slide PPT of your work (to be presented at the peer review session)
- This paper will be peer reviewed by a classmate AND by the instructor. Once the peer review feedback is complete a second and FINAL draft with edits and/or revisions is to be submitted by the student for a final grade. Remember you must submit a n acceptable 1st draft and achieve a passing grade of 75% on the FINAL version of the paper to PASS the entire course.
- Plagiarism (copying someone else’s work or having a Ghost Writer) will NOT be tolerated and a measured response will be imposed in accordance with the University’s guidelines for such violations.
- Schedule
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