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MKT 264 UB Apple Incorporation Gains During the Covid19 Pandemic Essay

MKT 264 Chapter 5 Assessed Assignment (5%) – Essay
This is an assessed assignment that covers chapter 5. The following are guidelines that will help
you to understand what’s required.
When is the deadline for
20 of December 2020
How do I submit my
Upload your file to your MKT264 Blackboard account, the link of
Assignment-2 (5%)
What is required? 1- Answer the following question:
• Choose one of the brands that have been affected and became
more active during the current world situation with the spread
of Covid 19 pandemic.
• Explain how their marketing functions have evolved during
this health Pandemic?
• Reflect on their CSR initiatives.
• Consider their digital media activities.
• Consider all different marketing concepts covered in CH-5 that
are related to their marketing activities during this Pandemic.
2- Formatting:
• Microsoft word.
• Not exceed 500 words (one A4 page single sided).
• Font 12, Times New Roman.
3- Save your assignment as:
• UOB ID – Chapter 5 Assign. E.g. 20191111-chapter 5 Assign.
4- Upload it to Blackboard in your MKT264 account.
How do I know how my
answer will be marked?
Refer to you the Evaluation Rubric in the next page of this
Who will evaluate my
Your MKT264 tutor.
How will I know my
Your tutor will mark your answers on the Blackboard grade center.
The assignment is out of 5 marks.
Evaluation Rubrics for Chapter 5 Assessed Assignment
Topic Knowledge
Displayed an excellent
grasp of the material.
Demonstrated excellent
mastery of content,
application and
Displayed a general
grasp of the material.
Demonstrated good
mastery of content,
application and
Displayed some grasp of
the material.
Demonstrated adequate
mastery of content,
application and
Displayed a poor grasp
of the material.
Demonstrated a
superficial handling of
content, application
and implications.
3 2 1 0.5
Analysis and Evaluation
Presents an insightful
and thorough analysis of
all issues identified.
Supports diagnosis and
opinions with strong
arguments and
Presents a thorough
analysis of most issues
Supports diagnosis and
opinions with reasons
and evidence.
Presents a superficial
analysis of some of the
issues identified.
Supports diagnosis and
opinions with limited
reasons and evidence.
Presents an incomplete
analysis of the issues
Supports diagnosis and
opinions with few
reasons and little
3 2 1 0.5
Consistently clear,
concise, well organized.
Points were easy to
follow, because of the
organization. Transitions
between sections
smooth and
Usually clear, concise,
well organized. Most of
the point were easy to
follow. Transitions
between sections usually
Not always clear or
concise. Organization
was adequate, but weak.
Occasionally wandered
and was sometimes
difficult to follow.
Often unclear and
disorganized rambled
too much. It was
confusing and difficult
to follow.
2 1.5 1 0.5
Writing Mechanism
Writing demonstrates a
sophisticated clarity,
conciseness, and
correctness; includes
thorough details and
relevant data and
information; extremely
Writing is accomplished
in terms of clarity and
conciseness and
contains only a few
errors; includes
sufficient details and
relevant data and
information; wellorganized
Writing lacks clarity or
conciseness and
contains numerous
errors; gives insufficient
detail and relevant data
and information; lacks
Writing is unfocused,
rambling, or contains
serious errors; lacks
detail and relevant
data and information;
poorly organized
2 1.5 1 0.5
TOTAL Points Out of 10 Total Mark out of 5
= Good Luck =

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