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MKTM003-AUT-1415 AS2:(Management of Marketing)

“While few [competitive] advantages are likely to last forever, some bases of advantage are
more readily protected than others. A key task for the strategist is to identify those bases
that offer the most potential for defensible positioning.”
Hooley, G., Piercy, N., and Nicoulaud, B., (2012), Marketing Strategy and Competitive
Positioning, 5 th ed., Prentice Hall, p 263.
By reference to academic literature, critically evaluate this perspective on competitive
positioning. Indicate how companies could identify bases for defensible positioning,
making generic recommendations for management.
This is an individual assignment. You are required to produce a business report which
demonstrates your understanding of key aspects of the management of marketing.
The report should have:
 a sound theoretical and conceptual perspective, containing evidence of critical
debate within an appropriate academic literature. A minimum of 6 academic
journal articles should be referred to.
 an effective practical foundation, which makes generic recommendations for
Presentation and Marking Scheme
1. The report should be based on the material studied in module elements dealing with
marketing management.
2. It should be 3,000 words +10%, excluding appendices. The word count for the
assignment should appear on the front page.
3. This assignment should reflect a balance between:
a. theoretical understanding, evidenced by research from a range of academic
journal sources – minimum 6.
b. practical application of theory, evidenced by the development of generic
management recommendations.
4. Assessment Criteria
Marks will be allocated as follows:
 Structure and Presentation (15%): Correct use of referencing, bibliography.
Structure and quality of written expression
 Use of Appropriate Literature (30%): Evidence of research within the academic
literature. Reference to 6 academic papers is a minimum requirement.
 Practical Application (25%): Evidence of ability to apply key concepts to a
practical management application. Use of evidence in support of the generic
 Level of critical analysis (30%): Evidence of engagement with the academic
literature. Flow and coherence of the theoretical argument, culminating in logical
conclusions and effective recommendations.

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