MR. Hogle is a 65 year old male patient who presents with a burning type in the epigastrium
) MR. Hogle is a 65 year old male patient who presents with a burning type in the epigastrium. He
notices It is most at night, but says that sometimes he appreciates it when he is really hungry. It actually seems to get better when he eats. His vital signs are all within normal. A stool for occult blood is negative. His CBC reveals a Hgb of 10.1 g/dL and hematocrit of 30%. The MCV is 74 fL. The AGACNP knows that the next appropriate step is to order
a) Ferritin and TIBC studies
b) Vitamin B 12 and folate
c) Helicobacter pylori testing
d) A consult with gastroenterology
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