Mr. Kelsy is a 29 year old male how has 15 year old type 1 DM.
1) Mr. Kelsy is a 29 year old male how has 15 year old type 1 DM. he has done pretty well over the years
and has been on a stable insulin regimen for the last 3 years. He is being seen today because he has noticed a persistent elevation in his fasting am glucose levels. They have been slowly but steadily rising and for the last 2 weeks have been consistently above 200 mg/dl. He feels well but is concerned because he knows this is too high. To differentiate among the common causes of rising fasting glucose in an otherwise stable patient, the AGACNP orders
a) Serum fructosamine
b) Nocturnal glucose monitoring
c) Hemoglobin A1C
d) Oral glucose tolerance test
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