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Muscat College Improving the Supply Chain Management Process Thesis Paper

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Example ‘Improving the XYZ Process’.


Project recuiremnt

  1. Analyse a business process using appropriate tools, techniques, methods, and models
  2. Evaluate the current business process
  3. Recommend improvements to address the conclusions from the evaluation of the business process
  4. Clarity of English. Structure of the report. Use of Harvard referencing



Use this template to structure.





Storong  and clear Persuasive writing style. Outline the process, its context and your relation to the process. Approximately 400 words.



Analysis of Current Process


Use bellow tools and techniques from  Operations Performance , Process Design , Supply Network Design .  to analyse the current process. Approximately 1200 words


performance objectives ; the nature of inventory and capacity ;

volume-variety trade off and process type ;process map ;process easures ;

supply network tiers and demand side location influences ;

weighted scoring location model ; centre of gravity model ; long term capacity choices  identifying bottlenecks ; capacity leading and lagging strategies .






Evaluation of Current Process


Use module tools and techniques from  Operations Performance , Process Design , Supply Network Design .  to analyse the current process. Approximately 1200 words


.Does the process appear to be designed to be competitive and to meet customer needs?

How do the performance objectives compare with customer desires and competitors?

What bottlenecks and fail points are there on the process map (expressed as performance objectives)?

Are the process measures acceptable? Are we located sensibly? Is the long term capacity strategy appropriate?

How does your understanding of Supply Chain Management, Lean Synchronisation, and Operations Improvement point toweaknesses in your current process?



Recommendations to Improve the Process


Use module tools and techniques as Supply Chain Management or Lean Synchronisation

recommend improvements for the current process. Approximately 1200 words.


How do you recommend that the improvement techniques ? are applied to the current process?


You can select 4 or more process


(1) the performance objectives for the supply chain, (2) procurement and sourcing, (3) supply chain relationships, (4) push to pull scheduling, (5) avoiding capacity utilisation as a KPI, (6) building teamwork, (7) reducing waste, (8) using value stream mapping and other visual approaches, (9) having kanbans, (10) creating a flexible process, (11) applying the 5Ss, (12) using TOC to reduce bottlenecks, (13) choosing radical and/or continuous improvement, (14) applying an improvement cycle, (15) applying BPR to radically improve the process, (16) adopt Six Sigma, (17) use the tools of quality control, and (18) consider a hybrid approach such as Lean Sigma. How do you therefore recommend that the process map be changed, and how will that improve the delivery of performance objectives and the situation described in the introduction?






List 10 sources, which may include academic articles, textbooks, newspaper or magazine articles, official reports, commercial materials etc. Give the page number when you cite references in the report.



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