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Mutual funds Course principles of investment

Term Project


Project report should consist of the following parts.


Brief summary about the project and the five chosen mutual funds

Part One

Select five mutual funds, each with a different objective. (Common objectives of mutual funds on are “Medium to Long-term Growth”  long-term capital appreciation and growth”  “To achieve capital appreciation over medium term by investing in the real estate sector” “emphasis on the equity markets, and limited exposure to the capital preservation Asset class”. Just make sure you select five funds with different objectives.

Make sure that each fund you select has five years of annual performance data available on

I already choose the mutual funds:

  • Riyadh SAR trade Fund
  • HSBC Saudi construction and cement companies equity fund
  • Alahli small and mid-cap equity fund
  • Albilad pure saudi equity fund
  • Saudi fransi capital saudi equity income fund

You are required to do the following + show all the calculations and Formulas used in details please ,You will find the financial statements in Tadawl website below the fund name ( fund documents) It should be in Times New Roman font and font size must be 12 , put all your references in APA style please . We need introduction before part one, write the table without details only the final number  but we need the details and steps of calculations below the table.


Prepare a single table showing the following for each of your five funds: (TABLE 1)

  1. Fund Name
  2. Annual total return statistics for the past five years ( from 2016 to 2020).
  3. Arithmetic average of annual total returns
  4. Standard deviation of annual total returns


Part Two

Analysis of selected Mutual Funds

Follow the steps for analyzing each fund.

  1. Which fund has the best net asset value?
  2. Which fund has the best expense ratio?
  3. Which fund has the best 3-year return?
  4. Which fund has the lowest turnover ratio? Which has the highest?
  5. Based on what you know about the funds, which fund would be the best one for your investment?


Reference Resources

Chapter 4: Mutual Funds and other Investment Companies, Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Kane and Marcus 9E




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