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Need help with a ten-twelve pages essay describing the strategic

Need help with a ten-twelve pages essay describing the strategic planning process Which includes

1) Initiate and agree on a strategic planning process. 2) Identify organizational mandates. 3) Clarify organizational mission and values. 4) Assess the external and internal environments to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 5) Identify the strategic issues facing the organization. 6) Formulate strategies to manage the issues. 7) Review and adopt the strategies or strategic plan. 8) Establish an effective organizational vision. 9) Develop an effective implementation process. 10) Reassess the strategies and the strategic planning process.

Each step should be covered in about a page length. Things to talk about with each step are the most important aspects for each step that you should understand as someone that would implement a strategic plan for an organization. Also tell me what you found most interesting about each step. Tell me about key terms that you found interesting in each step.

The resource for this paper is

Bryson, J. M. (2011). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations:

and any other resouce that support the paper.

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