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Need help with this assignment. Excel Project 3

Need help with this assignment. <br/>Excel Project 3 – MS Excel<br/>Use

the project description HERE to complete activity. For a review of the complete rubric used in grading this exercise, click on the Assignments tab, then on the title Excel Project 3. Click on Show Rubrics if the rubric is not already displayed.
Create Microsoft Excel file with four worksheets that provides extensive use of Excel capabilities for charting. The charts will be copied into a Microsoft PowerPoint file and the student will develop appropriate findings and recommendations based on analysis of the data.
A large rental car company has two metropolitan locations, one at the airport and another centrally located in downtown. It has been operating since 2015 and each location summarizes its car rental revenue quarterly. Both locations rent two classes of cars: economy and premium. Rental revenue is maintained separately for the two classes of rental vehicles.
The data for this case resides in the file Excel Project 3-data.txt and can be downloaded by clicking on the Assignments tab, then on the data tile name. It is a text file (with the file type .txt).
Do not create own data, you must use the data provided and only the data provided.

Excel Project 3 – MS ExcelUse the project description HERE to complete this activity. For a review of the completerubric used in grading this exercise, click on the Assignments tab, then on the titleExcelProject 3.Click on Show Rubrics if the rubric is not already displayed.SummaryCreate a Microsoft Excel file with four worksheets that provides extensive use of Excelcapabilities for charting.The charts will be copied into a Microsoft PowerPoint file andthe student will develop appropriate findings and recommendations based on analysisof the data.A large rental car company has two metropolitan locations, one at the airport andanother centrally located in downtown.It has been operating since 2015 and eachlocation summarizes its car rental revenue quarterly.Both locations rent two classes ofcars: economy and premium.Rental revenue is maintained separately for the twoclasses of rental vehicles.The data for this case resides in the fileExcel Project 3-data.txtand can bedownloaded by clicking on the Assignments tab, then on the data tile name.It is a textfile (with the file type .txt).Do notcreate your own data, you must use the data provided and only the dataprovided.ElementRequirementPointsAllocatedComments#11 – Open Excel and save a blank workbook withthe following name:0.2Use Print Previewto review how thefirst worksheetwould print.a.“Student’s First InitialLast Name Excel Project 3”Example: JSmith Excel Project 3b. Set Page Layout to Landscape2Change the name of the worksheet toAnalysisby.0.1
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3a.In theAnalysis byworksheet, enter the fourlabels vertically in column A in the following order:Name:, Class/Section:, Project:, Date Due:0.3Use the followingtext format:b.with a row between each label, please note thecolon,(:), after each label.Arial 10 pointBoldIt may be necessary to adjust the column width sothe four labels are clearly visible.Align valuesRight in the cell4a.In theAnalysis byworksheet, with all entries incolumn C, enter the appropriate values for Name,Class and Section, Project, Date Due.0.3Use the followingtext format:It may be necessary to adjust the column width sothe four labels are clearly visible.Arial 10 pointBoldb. formattingAlign values leftin the cells5a. Create three new worksheets:Data, Slide 2,Slide 3.Upon completion, there should beAnalysis byas well as the three newly createdworksheets.0.4b. Delete any other worksheets.6If necessary, reorder the four worksheets so theyare in the following order:Analysis by, Data,Slide 2, Slide 3.0.17a.In theDataworksheet, import the text file ExcelProject 3.txt.0.5The field namesshould be in thetop row of theworksheet withthe data directlyunder it in rows.This action maynot be necessaryas this is part ofthe Excel tablecreation process.The data shouldbegin in ColumnA.
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