Need help with this python coding: The program should be modular.
Need help with this python coding:
The program should be modular. For example, you will want to
have an add_item(shopping_list) function, a delete_item(shopping_list) function, a display_list(shopping_list) function, a display_menu() function, and a main().
Sample output:
Welcome to the program!
1. Add an item
2. List all items
3. Delete an item
4. Exit
Enter a menu option: 2
1 : bananas
2 : apples
Enter a menu option: 1
Please enter the item: pears
pears was added to the shopping list
Enter a menu option: 2
1 : bananas
2 : apples
3 : pears
Enter a menu option: 3
Which number to delete: 3
pears was deleted
Enter a menu option: 2
1 : bananas
2 : apples
Enter a menu option: 4
have a great day!
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