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New Project. Please read carefully and let me know if you can work

New Project. Please read carefully and let me know if you can work

on it, I totally understand if you cant. Thanks

#include <iostream>using namespace std;#include “mystring.h”int main(){MyString s1;MyString s2(“Hello, World”);MyString s3 = “Welcome to Florida, have a nice day”;MyString s4 = 12345;cout << “s1 = ” << s1 << ‘\n’;cout << “s2 = ” << s2 << ‘\n’;cout << “s3 = ” << s3 << ‘\n’;cout << “s4 = ” << s4 << ‘\n’;cout << ‘\n’;cout << “Making the calls:\n”<< “\tcin >> s1\n”<< “\tgetline(cin, s2, ‘,’)\n”<< “\tgetline(cin, s3)\n”;cout << “Enter some sentences: “;cin >> s1;getline(cin,s2,’,’);getline(cin,s3);cout << “\nNew string values:\n”;cout << “s1 = ” << s1 << ‘\n’;cout << “s2 = ” << s2 << ‘\n’;cout << “s3 = ” << s3 << ‘\n’;cout << “—————————\n”;// ———————————-s1 = “Dog”;s2 = “Food”;MyString result = s1 + s2;cout << “result = ” << result << ‘\n’;s1 += s2;cout << “s1 = ” << s1 << endl;const MyString s5 = “The concatenation of the catapult is a catamaran”;
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cout << “s5 = ” << s5 << endl;cout << “s5.indexOf(\”cat\”) returns ” << s5.indexOf(“cat”) << ‘\n’;cout << “s5.indexOf(\”dog\”) returns ” << s5.indexOf(“dog”) << ‘\n’;cout << “s5.getLength() = ” << s5.getLength() << ‘\n’;cout << “s5[4] = ” << s5[4] << ‘\n’;cout << “s5[10] = ” << s5[10] << ‘\n’;cout << “s5[15] = ” << s5[15] << ‘\n’;cout << “s5[52] = ascii ” << static_cast<int>(s5[52]) << ‘\n’;cout << “s5.substring(10,16) = ” << s5.substring(10,16) << ‘\n’;cout << “s5.substring(23) = ” << s5.substring(23) << ‘\n’;cout << “—————————–\n”;MyString words = “Greetings, Earthling”;cout << “words = ” << words << ‘\n’;cout << “words.getLength() = ” << words.getLength() << ‘\n’;words[0] = ‘K’;words[4] = ‘p’;words[16] = ‘z’;cout << “words = ” << words << ‘\n’;words[25] = ‘Q’;cout << “words = ” << words << ‘\n’;words.insert(11, “Insane “);cout << “words = ” << words << ‘\n’;cout << “—————————–\n”;MyString x = “apple”, y = “apply”;cout << “x = ” << x << ‘\n’;cout << “y = ” << y << ‘\n’;if (x < y)cout << “x < y is true\n”;if (x > y)cout << “x > y is true\n”;if (x <= y)cout << “x <= y is true\n”;if (x >= y)cout << “x >= y is true\n”;if (x == y)cout << “x == y is true\n”;if (x != y)cout << “x != y is true\n”;
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