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NSCI 362 UMUC Carbon and Bio-fuel Footprint Final Essay

Question Description


  • interpret quantitative information to determine effects of human activity on the environment and to evaluate environmentally sustainable decisions
  • communicate effectively and use scientific evidence regarding human impact on the environment with emphasize on sustainability and global citizenship
  • The final assessment will be composed of three parts and should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding citations page):INTRO: Using your three data projects, provide a comprehensive overview of your environmental footprint connecting the various calculator results you obtained over the course of the semester. Be sure to include new insights you gleaned while summarizing your results. (1-2 pp).EXPLORE: Pick one of your behaviors/choices that has the most harmful impact on our environment and explain why you believe this behavior is the most harmful. Explore possible solutions or counter-measures to correct/improve your focal behavior. Be sure to review at least 2-3 alternatives in the literature (pick reliable resources!) (2 pp).CONCLUSIONS: Pick the best solution you EXPLORE above with an analysis of both the economic and ecological “savings” per year to be gained by the new behavior/choice (1-2 pp). NOTE: pick measurable units for both savings categories, like dollars, pounds, gallons, etc. Review the grading rubric before you begin.GRADING RUBRIC:
    Criterion Meets Expectations Below Expectations Missing or Incorrect
    Introduction(60 points possible) 60-52Comprehensive overview of the three data projects with new insights gleaned from the summary 51-40Comprehensive overview of the three data projects with few to no new insights shared 39-0Weak overview of the three data projects and no new insights shared.
    Solutions Explored(75 points possible) 75-65Researches and proposes 2-3 relevant solutions to the environmental problems exposed in the comprehensive analysis. 64-50Researches and proposes 1 relevant solution to the environmental problems exposed in the data analysis. 49-0Proposes weak or irrelevant solutions to the environmental problems exposed in the data analysis.
    Conclusion(35 points possible) 35-28Selected a behavior using sound logic and clearly described both economic and ecological benefits using measurable units for both savings categories. Incorporated two or more SDGs in your explanation. 27-20Selected a behavior using some logic and described both economic and ecological benefits using measurable units for both savings categories. Incorporated only one SDG in your explanation. 19-0Selected a behavior using weak logic; missing clear descriptions and/or measurable units for both economic and ecological benefits. Did not Incorporate SDGs in your explanation.
    Scholarly APA References(10 points possible) 10-93-4 reliable scientific resources incorporated. All references in APA style, properly cited with in-text and reference listings. 8-72 reliable scientific resources incorporated. References in APA style, properly cited with in-text and reference listings. 6-0No or only one reliable scientific resource incorporated. Improper use of APA style and/or missing in-text and reference listings.
    Effective Writing(10 points possible) 10-9Well organized, no stylistic/grammatical errors. 8-7Organized, few stylistic/grammatical errors. 6-0Poor organization, many stylistic/grammatical errors.
    Format(10 points possible) 10-9Paper met all of the formatting guidelines:4-6 pp (excludes title page and literature cited); double-spaced, 12-pt font and 1” margins 8-7Paper met most of the formatting guidelines:4-6 pp (excludes title page and literature cited); double-spaced, 12-pt font and 1” margins 6-0Paper few most of the formatting guidelines:4-6 pp (excludes title page and literature cited); double-spaced, 12-pt font and 1” margins
    TOTAL 200-180 179-140 139-0
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