Choose a nutrition behavior that you wish to change or improve over the course of our
This project should be typewritten, 12 point font, 1-inch margins, double spaced on 8 ½
x 11” paper. A minimum of 3 pages should be submitted (including journals). There are
3 parts to this project :
1. Introduction Questions (40 points)
2. Daily Log/ Journal (30 points)
3. Evaluation (30 points)
Part 1- Introduction:
With a little information, knowledge, and practice you can make the kind of choices that
will positively affect your future. For the next 21 consecutive days you will focus on a
goal to improve one specific area of your life. Maybe you want to improve your nutrition
and give up junk food. Maybe you need to exercise more.
Healthful nutrition/dietary practices( cutting out junk food, reducing salt,
drinking more water, losing weight, gaining weight…)
Physical Fitness ( starting an exercise program, lifting weights, adding muscle
Remember: In order for behaviors and habits to change you must first have a plan of
action and second be 100% committed to work at it.
1. Identify the problem your goal will be centered around.
2. Keep track of your food or Exercise habits for three days.
3. Enter data and perform computer analysis; print required reports. Use the
printouts from your dietary analysis to complete the assignment.
4. What is your goal- be specific.The goal must be S.M.A.R.T.
5. Describe your plan in detail: What support or food or equipment will you
need? What will your toughest obstacles be? What is your plan to get through
the obstacles? What are the costs of not changing this particular behavior (5
years from now, 10 years from now, 20 years from now).How do you see this
benefiting you (5 years from now, 10 years from now, 20 years from now).
Part 2- Daily Logs- must track 21 days, only submit 3
days. Use an App or to track your
Attach Your Food Record and 3-Day Average print-outs.
MyFitnessPal: Tracks your calories ( My favorite)
Lose it!: Helps you lose weight.
Fooducate: This free app lets you scan the barcode of any product, then gives you a
letter grade, the number of calories per serving, and additional relevant health-related
True Food: This free app from the Center for Food Safety is filled with tons of great
information and resources, as well as ways you can take action.
Locavore: As soon as you start this free app, it finds your location and displays a list of
local fruits and vegetables currently in season.
Is That Gluten Free: You can search their database of over 23,000 items to find out if
food is gluten-free.
Purpose: To provide you with an assessment of the nutritional adequacy of the
foods you eat and to help you plan a dietary change that could potentially benefit your
health.This assignment gives you a wonderful opportunity to become aware of your
eating and the nutrients you consume. You will be graded on the quality of your work,
not the nutritional quality of your diet. The purpose of this assignment is to help you
make the connection between your diet and what you learned in class. The assignment
is divided into 3 parts.
Part 1. Keep track of your food intake for three days.
Part 2. Enter data and perform computer analysis; print required reports.
Record all the food and drink that you consume throughout the day for three days;
record one weekend day and two weekdays. The daysdon’t have to be in a row. It’s
most important that they are “typical” days and represent how youcommonly eat.
Food Recording Basics:
Be specific – Please record all the foods you consume throughout the day. For
example, if you eat a hamburger, please record each part of the sandwich (i.e. the bun,
the meat, the toppings, etc.).
Be exact – (as much as possible). Remember to include sugar and cream added to
coffee or tea; butter, margarine, jam orjelly on toast or sandwiches; sauces and gravy;
salad dressings; mayonnaise, mustard, andrelish. Include coffee, tea and diet sodas.
Be diligent- Try to stick to the food recording protocol as closely as possible. Try to set
aside a certain time each day to enter your foods into the Computer.
Be prepared – If you are going to be away from a computer for an extended period of
time, record foods in a small notebook.Do not wait until the end of the day to try to
remember what you ate previously. Recordwhat you eat throughout the day
Be honest – You are not going to be criticized or judged on the foods you eat. All
information regarding your food intake is confidential, so report honestly and accurately.
Part 3- Evaluation, reflection and analysis of journals.Use the printouts
from your dietary analysis to complete the assignment. Once you have gathered
your journal entries, sit back, reflect and review them. You are looking for clues
to why and how you engage in the behavior. How satisfied are you with your
performance? Have you achieved your goals, why or why not? What obstacles
did you face? What is your prediction for the future? How will you change or
continue to self-regulate your behavior? What did you learn about yourself
throughout this process?
Assessment of Journal Questions
Using the food printout,write the one food in your list that is
the highest source for each of these nutrients.
Nutrient Highest food source
Calories (Calories)
Protein (Pro)
Fat (Fat)
Carbohydrate (Carb)
Fiber (Fiber)
Sodium (Na)
Saturated fat (satF)
Monounsat fat (monoF)
Polyunsat fat (polyF)
Cholesterol (Chol)
1. What was your average calorie intake per day?
2. The acceptable range of carbohydrate intake is 45 to 65% of daily calories. How
does your intake compare to this recommendation?
3. The acceptable range of fat intake is 20 to 35% of daily calories. How does your
intake compare to this recommendation? What is the breakdown between Mono,
Poly and Saturated fat intake?
4. If your fat intake is higher than the recommendation, which specific foods in your
three day intake could you reduce, eliminate or replace with other foods in order to
lower the fat content?
5. On average, how many milligrams of cholesterol did you consume per day?
6. How does your dietary cholesterol intake compare with the suggested limit of 300
milligrams a day?
7. Using the following formula calculate your RDA for protein (show all calculations):
Current body weight in kilograms x 0.8 grams protein/ kg of body
weight = Protein RDA.
8. The acceptable range of protein intake is 10 to 35% of daily calories. How does
your intake compare to this recommendation?
9. It is recommended that most adults limit their sodium intake to 2000 milligrams per
day. On average, how many milligrams of sodium did you consume per day?
10. If you exceeded the recommended limit what changes could you make in your three
day record to lower sodium intake?
11. The recommended daily intake for fiber is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for
men. How does your daily fiber intake compare to this recommendation?
12. List five changes you could make in your three day record that would increase your
fiber intake, if necessary.
13. How many ounces of fluids do YOU need each day? (weight (lbs) divided by 2 =oz
of beverages/day).
14. Do you consume enough fluids (water, juice, tea, etc) to stay hydrated?
15. Do you think you need to take a daily vitamin supplement? Use the “Food Sources”
chart on the last page to explain why or why not.
SUMMARY-Your Perspective
16. What was most surprising about YOUR diet analysis?
17. Describe 2 ways that YOUR eating promotes YOUR health. Explain the benefits.
18. Describe 2 ways that YOUR eating isn’t health promoting. How would you benefit
from changing this? What health problems might you face in 20 years if your dietary
patterns remain the same?
19. How might you go about modifying your diet to make it healthier?
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