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OM 3073 / Introduction to Research


Programme: BSc (Hons) Health, Safety and Environmental Management
Module Code/Module Title:              OM 3073 / Introduction to Research
Module Tutor:  / Dr Riyad
Assessment Title/ Number:  Literature Review
Date of Issue: 15/10/2018
Date of Submission:  10/12/2018
(Tick in the appropriate box)

You are encouraged to word process your assessment, although hand written work is acceptable.  
You are required to word process this assessment.
You are required to submit this assessment electronically through UCLan BB


  • This paper contains one task.
  • Complete the task fully with all possible evidence for achieving the learning outcome/s.
  • This assessment is worth 40%of the module mark.
Please do not submit this assessment brief with your work.

Task 1: Literature Review
Literature review is an organized and systematic narrative that discusses what others have discovered and helps to identify your own research focus.  It demonstrates your understanding in a particular context in order to establish a foundation for the topic (or question) being researched.
The aim of this assignment is to facilitate your abilities to research a topic of study by

  • Identifying and formulating a research topic
  • Learning to search and locate literature (eg., journal articles, books, etc) using library and online resources
  • Analysing information and synthesizing knowledge using appropriate methods found from the resources

In this assignment, you supposed to complete a literature review of 1500 words covering the following:

  1. Choose a topic that you are interested in the areas of Health, Safety and Environment (obtain approval from your module tutor latest by Oct 14th 2018).
  2. Go to the library & or use online resources to identify books / journals / conference proceedings that address your research topic & search for articles.
  3. Select at least 10 references from multiple sources (like journal articles, textbooks, conference proceedings, official publications, etc.).
  4. Read your articles, organize by sorting thematically, and synthesize information in a meaningful way, using appropriate methods, considering your original topic.
  5. Write your review clearly. The whole assignment should not exceed 1500 words.

Your report shall include the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature Review
  3. Conclusion
  4. References

General Guidelines:

  1. Use preferably Microsoft Word for word processing
  2. The section headings

   Title case, Arial, font size 14, bold, left aligned.

  1. Page setup

Use A4 paper size settings and use 2.5 cm margins all around.

  1. Body text

Body text is Times New Roman 12 point, single-spaced. Leave one blank line between paragraphs.

  1. The pages should numbered consecutively, starting with the introduction page.
  2. The number of words must show at the end of the work submitted.
  3. Referencing

Referencing is a system that allows you to acknowledge the contributions of others in your writing. Whenever you use ANY words, ideas or information (egs., map drawings, photographs, illustrations, diagrams etc.) from ANY source in your assignments, you must reference those sources. This means that if you use the exact words of an author, if you paraphrase their words or if you summarise their ideas, you must provide a reference. Not referencing your sources means you may charge with plagiarism and your work could failed. For citation and referencing, follow the Harvard referencing system strictly.
Marking Scheme

Item Marks
Topic Identification 10
Introduction 10
Literature Review 40
Conclusion 10
References (relevance, adequacy) 20
Formatting 10
Total 100

Programme: BSc (Hons) Health, Safety and Environmental Management       
Module Title/Module Code:              OM 3073 / Introduction to Research
Module Tutor:  Dr.  Riyad Mahfud
Student Name:
Assessment Title/ Number:   Literature Review
Assessment Submission Date:

I confirm that this piece of work, which I have submitted, is all my own work and that references and quotations from both primary and secondary sources have fully identified and properly acknowledged. I am   fully aware that plagiarism and collusion are academic offences.
I also confirm that I have not used translation services or translation software in the production of this assignment.
Student’s signature:        
Please note the following penalties for late submission:
Date of Submission Maximum Mark
1-5 working days late 40%
More than 5 working days late 0%


Question/Task Max. Mark Score
Task 1 100  

Mark in Percentage (Task 1): ____

1st Marker 2nd Marker* Administrative Verification* External Examiner Initials
Name: Name: Name: Name:
Date: Date: Date: Date:

* Administrative Verification / 2nd Marking on sample basis.
Please note that all marks are provisional subject to confirmation by the Module Assessment Board of the affiliate University.
Things you have done well in this assignment;


Things you need to improve for your next assignment;


Signature / Date

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