OM2074 -Safety in Oil & Gas fields
Programme: B.Sc. (Hon.) Fire Safety Engineering&
B.Sc. (Hon.) Health & Safety Environmental Management
Module Code & Module Title: OM2074 -Safety in Oil & Gas fields
Module Tutor: Mr. Meet Panchal
Assessment Title/ Number: Course work
Date of Issue: October 30, 2018
Date of Submission: December 2, 2018
You are encouraged to word process your assessment, although hand written work is
You are required to word process this assessment.
You are required to submit this assessment electronically through UClan BlackBoard
This paper contains 5 tasks.
This assessment is worth 40% of the module marks.
You should not reveal your name or identity on the assignment submitted, failing
to which your submission will be invalid.
Answer the questions/complete the tasks fully with all possible evidence for
achieving the learning outcome/s.
Your report should provide necessary citations and references. Referencing should
be done in Harvard Referencing System. Cross referencing is to be followed,
wherever needed, failing to which mark will be deducted accordingly.
Please do not submit this assessment brief with your work.
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Report on Fire and Safety issues in Oil & Gas Industry
Being an executive officer in F&S (Fire and Safety) department of a reputed Oil and Gas
industry of Oman you are required to prepare a technical report on following matters.
The report should contain various aspects including importance of Fire safety in Oil and
Gas field by describing loss arose during earlier accidents and their possible causes with
health, safety and environmental effects. Role and importance of Fire Safety department. You
need to find possible F&S challenges associated with Oil and Gas operations to implement
concrete remedies. Detailed description is given as follows:
Tasks Marks
A. Introduction: Importance and need of Fire and Safety in Upstream and
Downstream Industry.
B. Policy: Develop a comprehensive safety policy draft with a commitment for its
implementation by all employees throughout the organisation.
C. Statistical survey and analysis of accidents: Interpret following table using
different graphs.
Table: Fatalities, fatal incidents and fatal accident rate by region (2014 & 2015)
Regions Fatalities FAR Fatal
2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014
Africa 10 5 1.84 0.86 7 5
Asia/Australia 7 11 0.76 1.02 4 10
Europe 4 4 1.17 1.04 4 4
FSU 4 2 1.60 0.81 3 2
Middle East 7 2 1.07 0.33 7 2
North America 20 16 2.31 1.56 13 14
South and central America 2 5 1.41 1.13 2 5
Overall 54 45 1.45 1.03 40 42
(Source: IOGP, Safety Performance Indicators, 2015)
D. Critical review: Fire, Safety and Environmental challenges during drilling and
transportation of Oil and Gas.
E. Critical review: Fire, Safety and Environmental challenges in Fractional distillation
and flaring process.
Reference and format of the report 10
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This is an individual coursework and has to be submitted only through UClan
Blackboard without revealing your personal identity.
Approximate words count is; 2000 words.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is neatly and accurately presented.
The report must be Word processed and submitted electronically through UClan
All academic writing must be cited and referenced, non-referenced work/write-up will be
considered as plagiarism.
Follow Harvard system of referencing within your text.
Missing in text referencing/citation will be strictly penalised by reducing marks.
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP); 2016; Safety performance indicators –
2015 data; IOGP; pp. 111.
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