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ompare And Contrast The Myers Briggs Type Indicator With That Of Belbin’s Roles Profiles: Introduction To Organisational Behaviour Assignment

University Dublin City University (DCU)
Subject Introduction to organisational Behaviour

You are required to:

1. Compare and contrast the Myers Briggs Type Indicator with that of Belbin’s Roles Profiles and outline how one, or both of these models lead to effective teamwork and positive organizational culture;
2. Is an effective organizational culture solely dependent on personality tests as a means of creating an effective team?

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Other requirements.

1. Your assignment should be in a Word document, Font Size 12 (including headings and subheadings), and the font type should be Times New Roman or Ariel, line spacing should be 1.5;
2. Your assignment must be submitted on the CCT cover page. This page is available on Moodle;
3. The assignment should have a minimum of 2,000 words and a maximum of 2,500 excluding Cover Page, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Reference List and Appendices;
4. As this is an academic assignment you should include examples of referencing and in text citation. Please do not use Wikipedia as a source of reference, also, you do not need to reference your notes or notes from Moodle.
5. Do not use UKEssays, Business Dictionary, Investopediaetcetc as sources of references.
6. Please check all spelling and grammatical errors before submission.

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