Open data in smart cities. The case of Tallinn and Helsinki/Montreal
Open data in smart cities. The case of Tallinn and Helsinki/Montreal
40 pages
30 sources
Paper details:
Length in words from the introduction to the end of conclusion: 11 000-15 000
Minimum number of field-specific sources: 30
Overview of Master’s programme: The Technology Governance and Digital Transformation MA program is an interdisciplinary study program that covers several fields from finance, economics, technology and innovation to governance and public-sector innovation and has a strong focus on case-study-based and practical learning. The focus of the program is on understanding digital technologies as the key driver of public and private-sector developments across the world, and how to make sure that digitization brings about sustainable and green growth and development.
Title doesn’t have to be the same, it could be modified,examples of other cities could be used if there is more data e.g Los Angeles and Montreal etc. Anything in the context of Smart cities could be discussed if the writer has recommendations.
Other topic ideas that could be used:
1) Open Data in Smart Cities as a factor of long term sustainability: Development of Twin City between Tallinn, Helsinki and the possible influences on Tallinn due to increased traffic
2) Open data in smart cities as a potential factor of long term sustainability
Graduation theses at XX School of Business and Governance may be formatted as a monograph or article (as a rule, the latter can be used in case of Masters’ theses).
A graduation thesis formatted as a monograph focuses either on a broader academic (theoretical and/or empirical) problem or on solving a specific problem (case) in a field of activity/enterprise. As a rule, in case of both problem types, the graduation thesis shall contain a theoretical and/or literature overview component as well as an empirical component. Both shall be formatted as specified in this guideline.
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