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Organisational Development Module code: BEM3051

Module aims

This module aims to:

  • introduce students to techniques of organisational development, exploring change through the management and development of individuals
  • develop students’ understanding of the complexity of managing and influencing people
  • provide students with practical ideas and techniques to assist in developing organisations

ILO: Module-specific skills

  • 1. Explain the practical ways in which individuals and organisations can be developed
  • 2. Explain how to connect development objectives to the organization’s strategic aims
  • 3. Assess the importance of employee/employer relationships through a range of conceptual frameworks including the psychological contract and trust.

ILO: Discipline-specific skills

  • 4. Explain the design of effective managerial interventions
  • 5. Assess the effectiveness of managerial practices
  • 6. Explain the implications and value of social psychology perspectives for a range of activities relating to business, work and organizations.
  • 7. Apply theory to support and challenge practical organizational development issues.

ILO: Personal and key skills

  • 8. Apply practical problem solving skills to real-world organizational challenges
  • 9. Research and study independently

Learning activities and teaching methods (given in hours of study time)

Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities Guided independent study Placement / study abroad
27 123

Details of learning activities and teaching methods

Category Hours of study time Description
Lectures 22 2 hour lectures weekly / 11 weeks
Seminars 5 1 hour seminar / fortnightly

Formative assessment

Form of assessment Size of the assessment (eg length / duration) ILOs assessed Feedback method
Regular verbal feedback on in-class on discussion and participatory activities Throughout lectures and seminars 1-9 Verbal feedback to individual students and groups
Online question and answers Throughout course using online platform 1-9 Correct answers provided with explanation

Summative assessment (% of credit)

Coursework Written exams Practical exams
30 70 0

Details of summative assessment

Form of assessment % of credit Size of the assessment (eg length / duration) ILOs assessed Feedback method
Individual written assignment 30 2000 words 1-5,8,9 Written
Examination 70 2 hours 1,3,6,7 Generic feedback via ELE

Re-assessment notes

Coursework component(s) only need to be re-taken in cases where the module overall is failed.

Syllabus plan

  • Introduction to social psychological perspective to understanding organisational development and the achievement of objectives.  How strategic aims of an organization translate to employees through leadership.
  • Leadership and Leadership development – the importance of leveraging leadership to achieve the organisations objectives. Theories of leadership and critical analysis. Practical application and leadership development techniques
  • Relationships at work – leveraging employees through positive relationships – leader-member exchange theory (LMX), teams and co-worker relationships, psychological contract, psychological safety and trust
  • Motivation of employees – how to get employee motivated to meet their potential – topics such as job design, self-determination, justice, pro-social. Links to previous lectures (i.e. leadership).
  • Exploring major challenges facing organisations and organizational development  and how these may be tackled e.g., diversity, aging workplace, virtual working, organizational scandals.
  • Revision and cosolidation

Indicative learning resources – Basic reading

Basic reading:
Woods SA, West MA. (2014) The psychology of work and organizations. Cengage Learning EMEA
Robbins and Judge (2015) Organizational Behaviour.  16th Edition.  Pearson.
Selected References:
Gurtner, A., Tschan, F., Semmer, N. K., & Nägele, C. (2007). Getting groups to develop good strategies: Effects of reflexivity interventions on team process, team performance, and shared mental models. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes102(2), 127-142.
Henderson, D. J., Liden, R. C., Glibkowski, B. C., & Chaudhry, A. (2009). LMX differentiation: A multilevel review and examination of its antecedents and outcomes. The leadership quarterly20(4), 517-534.
Humphrey, S. E., Nahrgang, J. D., & Morgeson, F. P. (2007). Integrating motivational, social, and contextual work design features: a meta-analytic summary and theoretical extension of the work design literature.
Wayne, S. J., Shore, L. M., & Liden, R. C. (1997). Perceived organizational support and leader-member exchange: A social exchange perspective. Academy of Management journal40(1), 82-111
Epitropaki, O., Kark, R., Mainemelis, C., & Lord, R. G. (2016). Leadership and followership identity processes: A multilevel review. The Leadership Quarterly.
Grijalva, E., Harms, P. D., Newman, D. A., Gaddis, B. H., & Fraley, R. C. (2015). Narcissism and leadership: A metaÃ?¢ï¿½ï¿½analytic review of linear and nonlinear relationships. Personnel Psychology68(1), 1-47
Judge, T. A., Bono, J. E., Ilies, R., & Gerhardt, M. W. (2002). Personality and leadership: a qualitative and quantitative review. Journal of applied psychology,87(4), 765.

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