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Performance Management And Its Relationship To Business Objectives And The Organisation’s Success, Ireland

The Managing Director of your organisation has requested the HR department to provide a report for the Board which outlines the links between organisational performance, reward and motivation. You have been asked to write the report, and include the following:
1. A description of the purpose of performance management and its relationship to business objectives and the organisation’s success.
2. An explanation of the key components of performance management systems.
3. An explanation of how performance management processes relate to staff motivation.
4. An explanation of the purpose of reward within a performance management system.
5. An exploration of the components of an effective total reward system.
6. An identification and explanation of at least five factors that need to be considered when managing performance.
7. A description of the data required by individuals that are involved within a performance and reward management process.
8. An explanation of the frequency, purpose and process of performance reviews.

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