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PEST Analysis On Any Organisation – Business Management Assignment Help, Ireland

Assignment Tasks:

  1. General External Environment

Conduct a PEST analysis on any onecityand analyse how these PEST factors may affect your chosen company if they chose to enter this market. It is recommended that students compile a table of PEST factors together with an analysis of a number of those key factors for your chosen city

  1. Task Environment

Within the context of your selected company and city, conduct an analysis of the Task Environment for your chosen organization. Assess the influence of the four factors within the Task Environment, some may be particularly influential whilst others may be significantly less so.

  1. Conclusions and Recommendations

Draw conclusions as to the issues that you have analyzed taking into account the internal situation of the company. Assess the overall suitability of the city that you have analyzed as a market for expansion. Put forward key recommendations as to how your chosen company should proceed in the future in terms of its international expansion.

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