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Physics Questions and Answers

True or false? Classical mechanics is based on the principle of uncertainty and predicts all phenomena in terms of probabilities. It describes a sub-atomic world which is totally different from the…
Is electromagnetism a part of physics?
Is nuclear physics part of electromagnetism?
How many children does Dr. Shirley Jackson have?
Who was Dr. Shirley Jackson?
Is Neil deGrasse Tyson an astrophysicist?
Does Neil deGrasse Tyson have siblings?
What is Neil deGrasse Tyson famous for?
At the scene of an accident, there are skid marks which are 200 feet long showing where a car put on the brakes. The driver swears that he was obeying the speed limit. If we assume that the car bra…
Explain any ten daily life situations where physics is applied?
Give an example of a Fermi problem.
What is solar physics?
How is cosmology different from quantum physics?
Why is the speed of light so important for astrophysics?
What is computational astrophysics?
What is observational astrophysics?
What is quantum astrophysics?
Is astrophysics the physics of moving planets?
Is dark matter studied in astrophysics?

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