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Please assist with attached document

Please assist with attached document (need answers to discussion questions)

CMIT 452Discussion Week 2Administra±ve Status vs Opera±onal StatusDiscussion Ques±on: What is the diference between the administraTve status and operaTonal status oFa switch?*Need 200 word response and at least 1 reference to above Discussion Ques±on.**********************************************************************************Tracking VLANDiscussion Ques±on: ±he company core switches use 802.1Q trunks to connect to each other. How does802.1Q trunking keep track oF mulTple VLAN?*Need 200 word response and at least 1 reference to above Discussion Ques±on.************************************************************************************VTP Propoga±onDiscussion Ques±on: Discuss how V±P enables propagaTon oF VLAN data across the network.*Need 200 word response and at least 1 reference to above Discussion Ques±on.
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