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Please complete the attached quiz inside the word document submitted

Please complete the attached quiz inside the word document submitted
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Math 009 Quiz 5Name________________________________Instructions:The quiz is worth 50 points.There are 10 problems, each worth 5 points.Your score on thequiz will be converted to a percentage and posted in your assignment folder with comments.This quiz allowsopen bookandopen notes, and you may take as long as you like on itprovided that you submit the quiz no later than the due date posted in our course schedule ofthe syllabus.You may refer to your textbook, notes, and online classroom materials,butyou may not consult anyone.You should show all of your work to receive full credit.If you do not show work, you mayearn only partial or no credit.Please type your work in your copy of the quiz, or if you prefer, create a documentcontaining your work.Scanned work is also acceptable.Be sure to include your name inthe document.If you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail ( remember to show ALL of your work on every problem.1)Graph the linear equation by finding and plotting the intercepts.Show all work and write eachintercept as an ordered pair.You may draw your graph on the grid below or create your own graph.3515xyx-intercept =y-intercept =At the end of your quiz you must include the following dated statement with your name typedin lieu of a signature. Without this signed statement you will receive a zero.I have completed this quiz myself, working independently and not consulting anyone except theinstructor.I have neither given nor received help on this quiz.Name: Date:
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