Please Help! I can't quite seem to get a handle on Java programming. I need some guidance in how to get this
Please Help! I can’t quite seem to get a handle on Java programming. I need some guidance in how to get this
started, or an example of what something similar to this may look like. The assignment for this week is as follows:
Assignment: Java Looping Structures
For this assignment I need a class named Purchase. Each Purchase object must contain an invoice number, amount of sale, and amount of sale tax. I need to include set methods for invoice number and sale amount. Within set() method for the sale amount, I need to calculate the sale tax as 7% of the sale amount. I also need to include a display method that displays a purchase details.
Then I need an application that declares a Purchase object and prompts the user for a purchase details. When I prompt the user for an invoice number, I must not let the user proceed until a number between a number between 1000 and 8,000 has been entered. When I prompt for a sale amount, I also must not allow them to proceed until the user has entered a non-negative value. After a valid Purchase object has been created, then the program will display the object’s invoice number, sale amount , and sales tax.
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