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Week 7Chapter 1170. True or False: The standard devia±on of the chi-square distribu±on is twice the mean102. Do men and women select di²erent breakfasts? The breakfasts ordered by randomly selected menand women at a popular breakfast place is shown in Table 11.55. Conduct a test for homogeneity at a 5%level of signi³cance.French ToastPancakesWa´esOmeleµesMen47352853Women65595560Use the following informa±on to answer the next twelve exercises: Suppose an airline claims that its¶ights are consistently on ±me with an average delay of at most 15 minutes. It claims that the averagedelay is so consistent that the variance is no more than 150 minutes. Doub±ng the consistency part ofthe claim, a disgruntled traveler calculates the delays for his next 25 ¶ights. The average delay for those25 ¶ights is 22 minutes with a standard devia±on of 15 minutes.113. df = ________117. Let α = 0.05 Decision: ________ Conclusion (write out in a complete sentence.): ________Chapter 1266. Can a coe·cient of determina±on be nega±ve? Why or why not?Size (Ounces)Cost ($)Cost per ounce163.99324.99645.9920010.9982.a. Using “size” as the independent variable and “cost” as the dependent variable, draw a scaµer plot.b. Does it appear from inspec±on that there is a rela±onship between the variables? Why or why not?c. Calculate the least-squares line. Put the equa±on in the form of: ŷ = a + bxd. Find the correla±on coe·cient. Is it signi³cant?
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e. If the laundry detergent were sold in a 40-ounce size, Fnd the esTmated cost.f. If the laundry detergent were sold in a 90-ounce size, Fnd the esTmated cost.g. Does it appear that a line is the best way to Ft the data? Why or why not?h. Are there any outliers in the given data?i. Is the least-squares line valid for predicTng what a 300-ounce size of the laundry detergent would youcost? Why or why not?j. What is the slope of the least-squares (best-Ft) line? Interpret the slope.Chapter 142. ±he formula for a regression equaTon is Y’ = 2X + 9.a. What would be the predicted score for a person scoring 6 on X?b. If someone’s predicted score was 14, what was this person’s score on X?6. ²or the X,Y data below, compute:a. r and determine if it is signiFcantly di³erent from zero.b. the slope of the regression line and test if it di³ers signiFcantly from zero.c. the 95% conFdence interval for the slope.Chapter 175. At a school pep rally, a group of sophomore students organized a free ra´e for prizes. ±hey claim thatthey put the names of all of the students in the school in the basket and that they randomly drew 36names out of this basket. Of the prize winners, 6 were freshmen, 14 were sophomores, 9 were juniors,and 7 were seniors. ±he results do not seem that random to you. You think it is a liµle Fshy thatsophomores organized the ra´e and also won the most prizes. Your school is composed of 30%freshmen, 25% sophomores, 25% juniors, and 20% seniors.a. What are the expected frequencies of winners from each class?b. Conduct a signiFcance test to determine whether the winners of the prizes were distributedthroughout the classes as would be expected based on the percentage of students in each group. Reportyour Chi- Square and P valuesc. What do you conclude?
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