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please I will be grateful is this question can be answered for me

please I will be grateful is this question can be answered for me.

its about scientific method and all requirement is included in attachment. Thank you

Researchers recently invesTgated whether or not cofee prevented the development oF high blood sugar(hyperglycemia) in laboratory mice. ±he mice used in this experiment have a mutaTon that makes thembecome diabeTc. Read about this research study in this arTcle published on the Science Daily web-siteNew Evidence ±hat Drinking Cofee May Reduce the Risk oF Diabetes as well as the Following summary:A group oF 11 mice was given water, and another group oF 10 mice was supplied with diluted black cofee(cofee:water 1:1) as drinking ²uids For ³ve weeks. ±he composiTon oF the diets and living condiTonswere similar For both groups oF mice. Blood glucose was monitored weekly For all mice. A´er ³ve weeks,there was no change in average body weight between groups. Results indicated that blood glucoseconcentraTons increased signi³cantly in the mice that drank water compared with those that weresupplied with cofee. µinally, blood glucose concentraTon in the cofee group exhibited a 30 percentdecrease compared with that in the water group. In the original paper, the invesTgators acknowledgedthat the cofee For the experiment was supplied as a gi´ From a corporaTon.±hen answer the Following quesTons in your own words:1. IdenTFy and describe the steps oF the scienT³c method. Which observaTons do you think thescienTsts made leading up to this research study? Given your understanding oF the experimental design,Formulate a speci³c hypothesis that is being tested in this experiment. Describe the experimental designincluding control and treatment group(s), and dependent and independent variables. Summarize theresults and the conclusion (50 points)2. CriTcize the research described. ±hings to consider: Were the test subjects and treatments relevantand appropriate? Was the sample size large enough? Were the methods used appropriate? Can youthink oF a potenTal bias in a research study like this? What are the limitaTons oF the conclusions made inthis research study? Address at least two oF these quesTons in your criTque oF the research study (20points).3. Discuss the relevance oF this type oF research, both For the world in general and For you personally (20points).4. Write answers in your own words with proper grammar and spelling (10 points).5. Your work should be approximately 300 – 400 words, double-spaced. All oF your reFerences should bein APA Format.±he original peer-reviewed research arTcle that the above Science Daily arTcle discusses can be Found inthe Content area. You may want to look at the peer-reviewed scholarly arTcle For more detail (notrequired).
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