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please need help with some scripting work, really easy stuff. 

please need help with some scripting work, really easy stuff.

ECET 360 – Jan/Feb 2016Lab Week 2 – Process Scheduling SimulatonDa±e:1/13/2016This lab is dependen± on carefully following ins±ructons as shared in class. If you were absen± for class±hen please review ±he lec±ure for Lec±ure 4 (Wednesday, 1/13/2016) carefully before proceeding.This lab requires ±wo se±s of downloaded ²les:1.The Process Scheduling Simula±or ²les. Available ±hrough DocSharing.2.The Documen±aton for ±he above Simula±or. Also available ±hrough DocSharing.You will be referring ±o ±he following 5 ²les ±ha± is con±ained in ±he ²rs± reposi±ory in ±he direc±ory “run:”psconfgmyrun1.runmyrun2.runmyexp1.expmyexp2.expYou are allowed ±o collabora±e on ±his lab (maximum of 3 per ±eam). If collaboratng, please include ±henames of all collabora±ors and submi± your work separa±ely in ±he DropBox.Preferably, you will need NotePad++ or other advanced Text editor for this lab.Part 1:Genera±e 3 scenarios similar ±o wha± has been discussed in class (and similar ±omyrun1.runandmyexp1.expfor comparing scheduling algori±hms. Each scenario mus± have a± leas± 6 di³eren± processes.Simula±e ±hese scenarios by making appropria±e modi²catons ±opsconfgand writng newmyrunandmyexp²les.Part 2:Genera±e 2 random scenarios similar ±o wha± has been discussed in ±he lab discussion (and similar ±omyrun2.runandmyexp2.exp). Each scenario mus± have a± leas± 2 di³eren± classes of processes and a±leas± a ±o±al of 30 processes.Simula±e ±hese scenarios by making appropria±e modi²catons ±opsconfgand writng newmyrunandmyexp²les.For both part 1 and part 2 use FCFS, SJF, PSJF, RR 1 and RR 2Deliverables:In a word ²le wri±e a descripton of each of ±he scenarios. For Par± 1, you mus± de±ail ±he s±ar± tme andestma±ed ²nish tmes. For par± 2 describe ±he classes of processes.In ±he word ²le include a summary discussion and conclusion based on wha± you observed. (This iswhere collaboraton couldbe bene²cial.)Include HTML log±les for each scenario correctly numbered as described in class.
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