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Please provide response to the Discussion Topic below: Is Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution obsolete?

Please provide response to the Discussion Topic below:

Is Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution obsolete? That is, does the federal government still have a role in regulating commerce between and among the States and the States and with foreign nations, among other things? When Article I, Section 8 was enacted, the US was young and the States did not trust each other. The powerful states, those agricultural southern states, were not trusted by the small, northern states. Others were fearful that one or more states might form alliances with England or France or Spain. Times change. The world economy is, at best, in the doldrums. People need jobs to generate incomes to move the economy away from stagnation. Federal governments appear to have had little impact, especially at the main street and individual levels. Is it time to let the States have more autonomy in negotiations with each other and with foreign governments?


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