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Please review the attached case study and select three different computer

Please review the attached case study and select three different computer

systems or devices that are in the market currently, and discuss how they could be used in Mark’s business. What are their uses and what benefits come from that specific piece of technology? Please use at least 2 reference and citations.

3D Printng Case STudyIn late 2015, Mark Peterson acquired a 3D printer from Best Buy for $500.As he began to play aroundwith it, he discovered that he could use designs he downloaded from the Internet to create a widevariety of objects.One day as he was exploring designs on the website, he came across a category of accessibility items.He was veryexcited to discover such things as an umbrella holder for a wheelchair, because his brother Peter uses awheelchair for mobility.He downloaded the umbrella holder design and made one for Peter.±he ²rst³me Peter used the umbrella holder, several people came up and asked him where he had goTen it.Ofcourse, he was proud to say his brother had made it, but he had no idea how much it would cost forMark to make one for a customer.Peter took the names and phone numbers of two people heencountered and promised to get back to them.When Peter approached Mark with the requests, Markknew that he had found the start of something good.He ²gured out what the ³me and material costwould be to make the holders, called the interested par³es, and made his ²rst two sales.As he con³nued exploring, Mark ran across an ar³cle describing ten 3D printable assis³ve andaccessibility devices (hTps://´er inves³ng in aheavy duty 3D printer, Mark used his Facebook page to adver³se his growing business in 3D prin³ngassis³ve and accessibility devices.He soon had many orders and his 3D prin³ng hobby became hisfull³me occupa³on.Mark rented space in an industrial park, bought two more wireless 3D printers, and hired two part-³meassistants.He brought his PC from home to control the 3D printers, and set up an Internet connec³onusing Verizon FiOS.His PC is connected to a FiOS modem which has a built-in wireless router.Markobtains his 3D prin³ng designs from sources on the internet.He uses Google email and keeps track ofhis orders on a spreadsheet on his PC.Mark’s Expansion Plan:Now, just three months later, he is ready to add seven more 3D printers and a3D scanner, and hire ²ve full³me employees.Before he grows that much, he needs to set up his I±infrastructure to manage not only the addi³onal 3D printers, but also to manage his business.He wantsto implement a small business enterprise resource management (ERP) informa³on system in his facilityto help him manage his business (customer orders, invoices, supply ordering, employees, etc.) moreeµec³vely.He realizes he will also need a document printer to print invoices, etc.In addi³on, he wantseach of his employees to have mobile access to the ERP system and the 3D design ²les and printers fromanywhere in the facility, and he wants as much ¶exibility in which computers control which 3D printersas possible.He has a large collec³on of 3D print design ²les and has downloaded some training videosthat he will use to train his new employees.Mark has already decided that he wants to store all of his3D produc³on ²les and his business management informa³on locally in his facility, and to use cloudstorage for his backup ²les.Your assignmenT, which will be done in four stages, is to assist Mark in understanding what kind ofinfrastructure he needs; how it would be con²gured; how it will change when his business grows into amuch larger, mul³-loca³on opera³on; and how the various devices communicate with each other.Speci²c instruc³ons for each of the four staged assignments may be found under the Assignments tab.3D Prin³ng Case Study – IFSM 31010/28/2016
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