Political Theory
Question five:
For Marx, what was the role of class in socio-economic-political change?
3800 words
Deadline: 7-10 days
Use 25-30 Sources
Please use in-text citation like this: ”……………….” with the author name, publish time and page number (Author. Time, Page No).
Important notices:
The nature of Marxist theory, esp. its focus and how it explains things
How Marxism theory explains the role of class in socio-economic-political change.
The key figures, arguments and facts. Competing explanations
Think through the arguments and evidence for each position/factor/issue
Planning the structure before writing
Review the relevant debates, mentioning names of key authors
Evaluation and analysis of the Class struggle, not interstate conflict
Answer the question based on the evidence and arguments you have amassed and analysed.
‘Critically assess’/’discuss’-type questions: not supposed to prove the statement
Please note that grading will take account of presentation, spelling, grammar and general organization of the argument.
Please reference sources fully and append a full bibliography in alphabetical order of writers second names.
The essay should use a range of primary and secondary sources; please refer to the reading list given in the module guide
Sources about Marxism from our university website:
- Marx , Karl Marx, (capital, The Communist Manifesto, The German Ideology)
- David McLellan, The Thought of Karl Marx: an introduction
- Will Kymlicka, Contemporary Political Philosophy, chapter 5
- Andrew Heywood, Political Ideologies, chapter 4
- John Morrow, History of Political Thought, (parts of) chapter 13
- Barbara Goodwin, Using Political Ideas, chapter 4, 5, 13
- Norman Barry, Modern Political Theory, chapter 3, 5
- Hampshire-Monk, Chapter 10
- Goodwin, Chapter 4
- Haworth, Chapter 12
- Coole, Chapter 8
- Wolin, Chapter 12
- Boucher, Chapters 25 and 26
- Warburton, Chapter 5
- Professor Gareth Stedman Jones & Chair: Dr Robin Archer . Karl Marx: greatness and illusion
- Terry Eagelton. Utopias, past and present: why Thomas More remains astonishingly radical
- Social Darwinism
- Weber: the protestant work ethic
- 1848: a year of revolution
Extra Sources:
- Hans Haferkamp and Neil J. Smelser. Social Change and Modernity
- George Liodakis. Political Economy, Capitalism and Sustainable Development
- Cliff Slaughter (1975). Marxism & the Class Struggle
- Douglas Kellner. Western Marxism
- Thomson Gale, Marxist Sociology
- Iain Hampsher-Monk. A History of Modern Political Thought: Major Political Thinkers from Hobbes to Marx
- Edward Andrew (September 1983). “Class in Itself and Class against Capital: Karl Marx and His Classifiers”. Canadian Journal of Political Science.
- Tim Dunne, Maija Kurki and Steve Smith (eds), International Relations Theories, fourth edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016)
- Scott Burchill and Andrew Linklater (eds), Theories of International Relations, fifth edition (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2013)
- Halliday, F.,‘Vigilantism in International Relations: Kubalkova, Cruickshank and Marxist Theory’ Review of International Studies, 13: 2, 1987, pp. 163-175
- Kubalkova, V. and Cruickshank, A., Marxism and International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985)
- Linklater, A., ‘Realism, Marxism and Critical International Theory’, Review of International Studies, 12: 3, 1986, pp. 301-312
- Smith, H., ‘Marxism and International Relations Theory’ in A. Groom and M. Light (eds), Contemporary International Relations Theory (London: Pinter, 1994)
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