Prepare And Review A Summary Of The Currently Used Budget Management: Budgeting For Facilities Management Assignment, GCD,, Ireland
University | Griffith College Dublin (GCD) |
Subject | Facilities Management |
Assessment 1
Case Study: 2,500 words
For your “case study” i.e. your company, business, department, facility or another organization which you are familiar, you are required to
Part 1 – 1000 words
Prepare and review a summary of the currently used budget management processes to support the Facilities Management function. For each category of information identified, you should include: The source, and legitimacy of the information The accounting techniques which support the Facilities Management function Comment upon its relevance to your role in FM any gaps in the current quality of this financial information from your perspective as FM managers (this includes any “missing” categories)
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Part 2– 750 word
Describe what you consider to be the main features of an “ideal design” of a business process for each of the following FM related financial purposes for any two of the following: Long term FM capital expenditure planning and control Assessing individual assets for potential purchase Managing FM assets running cost on a regular basis over the life of an asset
Part 3 – 750 word
Explain what you consider to be the best practice of how FM asset maintenance costs, once initially prepared, are managed and revised over the course of a financial year Explain the relevance of corporate cash flow management important within any budget cycle for an FM manager?
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