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Present a detailed data model for your project scenario. You can create your data model using Microsoft Visio 2010,

Present a detailed data model for your project scenario. You can create your data model using Microsoft Visio

2010, which you will have access to through iLab and Microsoft Excel, which comes with Microsoft Office. Other tools may be used as long as the output is legible and conforms to standard format. (i.e., I will not be able to grade the data model if I cannot tell what it is supposed to be!). Your data model should include a minimum of an ERD and metadata chart (data dictionary).

Deliverables for This Task

  1. Task 0 proposal (with any revisions or updates)
  2. A completed Data Model to include the following.
    • An ERD, showing all tables, related attributes, and the primary and foreign keys. This diagram must show both the relationship and cardinality of the relationship using accepted notation. The ERD should be formatted to allow printing on a single 8×10 page. It should be submitted as a Word file (copy and paste from Visio).
    • A Data Dictionary (or meta data chart) showing a minimum of the table name, columns, data types, length, and constraints. It should be submitted as an Excel file. Follow the format of the Data Dictionary supplied for Lab 3.

As attachment I’m sending the task 0

THE FARMERS PRICE CENTERThe farmer’s price center is about helping farmers acquire farm inputs easilyand conveniently.Through relevant branches and supportive staff, the farmersprice center provides a fresh perspective on the day to day hardships that farmersface. The farmer’s price center is run by a practicing farmer with first handinformation as he holds a bachelors degree in agriculture. His unique perspectiveallows farmers to automatically connect with his point of view. The farmer’s centeris equally informal as it is also a mentor or a friend. Besides selling farm inputs,the center guides farmers overcome their challenges. The farmer’s price centeraddresses the farming and farming management sector. The people who purchasefrom farmers price center are either practicing farmers or want to start a venture inagriculture. They have a natural drive to create agricultural products and seek outprofessional advice. The ideal customer for the farmer’s price center would be thenew farmer or investor who wants to start an agricultural venture or manage theirfirm better.The farmer’s price center provides a comprehensive resource thatanswers the questions farmers have while at the same time giving them a step bystep way to succeed.Mostly, farmers do not have good mentors or resources toaccurately give practical and working answers to their pressing questions.
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